Introducing Power Windows.
Microsoft® Windows has arrived.
For anyone who uses a computer in earnest, that is extremely good news.
Windows gives you a practical way to integrate programs. It radically decreases the
time it takes to move from one application to another. Dramatically simplifies the
means of consolidating data from many different programs.
And, as a graphical extension of the MS-DOS® operating system, it gives you a
highly visual way to work and to organize your work.
In short, Windows brings efficiency to all those processes of personal computing which
have till now been awkward, unwieldy, inconvenient.
The joys of job hopping.
With the advent of Windows, you can work with multiple applications. And switch
from program to program with ease.
Start up with one application, then another, and another. Leap back and forth
between applications as your work routine dictates. Then pick up right where you
left off.
The ability of Windows to change quickly from program to program logically and
naturally magnifies the utility and productivity of the personal computer. And
is a recognition of the way people who exploit the power of PC s really do their jobs.
Breaking the 640K barrier.
Just like you, Microsoft Windows can handle several projects at the same time.
Juggle assignments. Deal with frequent interruptions.
And Windows will ignore the 640K limit of your PC, especially if you have a hard
disk, the Intel® Above Board, or expanded memory. It will execute the rather
neat trick of working with more programs than memory can hold at one time.
Spreading knowledge.
Another great service Windows performs is accelerating the movement of information
from one program to another.
Collecting and combining that information is as simple as taking a “snapshot”
of data in one program. Editing it. Then consolidating it with data from other programs.
With Windows, you can enjoy the advantages of conventional integrated programs without
their compromises. Because Windows lets you put together the applications that you
know, and that get a job done for you.
Choose your best word processor, spreadsheet, database – you name it. They’re
all there for you at a keystroke.
Common ground.
Finally, Windows is not only an immensely powerful tool for today, it’s also a
solid base for a new generation of Windows applications. As an introductory offer,
two of these – Microsoft Windows Write and Paint – are included in the
package. Along with more than a dozen other programs.
In Windows applications you have a common interface which includes drop-down menus,
dialog boxes, icons. Along with a richer environment that allows you to mix pictures
and text. And to summon different type faces and styles at a keystroke.
Windows is a bridge between today’s applications and the graphics based
software now evolving. A way to work interchangeably with today’s programs. And
If you’re somone who uses personal computing as a natural part of your work
life, who capitalizes on the productive powers of sophisticated applications, look
into Windows, a new vision of what a computer can do.
Windows lets you freely combine information from all your applications. And gives
you the means to organize, compose, format and print it.
Because Write and Paint are graphic programs, they brilliantly exploit the capabilities
of dot matrix and laser printers. When you’re satisfied with what you’ve
done in Write, print it. For a stunning presentation.
Windows provides an easy means of selecting and gathering text and graphics from
your programs. And then consolidating it all – text, numbers, and images –
in one application.
Windows Write and Windows Paint can serve as a staging area. There you highlight, expand,
and compose text, charts, and illustrations drawn from a variety of programs. Then format
it all for printing.
For instance, you can move data from Lotus 1-2-3 and dBASE II into the Windows Write
word processor. A chart from 1-2-3 can likewise be pasted into Paint, a drawing
tool. There you
have the means to transform a basic chart into something that communicates exactly what
you want to say. Which you then transfer to die letter being produced in Write.
When you’re happy with content and composition, print the page on a graphic
printer just as you see it. The better your printer, the better the result.
[illustration captions]
Spreadsheet information from Lotus® 1-2-3® can be captured. And then transferred
to Windows Write, our graphic word processing program for consolidating, editing,
and formatting.
Data from dBase II® can also be copied and transferred to Write.
Using your spreadsheet data, build a Lotus chart. Then capture it from the screen.
And paste it into Windows Paint.
Windows Write is a straightforward and able word processor. It serves as
the “great integrator” in Windows. The place where text and graphics from
all your other programs are organized and formatted for presentation. What you
see on the screen is what you’ll get on the printout.
Windows Paint is an illustrator’s studio. A palette of graphic tools. Use Paint
to create drawings and diagrams. Or, in this case, to enhance a 1-2-3 chart
to emphasize your point.
In-a-Vision, a Windows application by Micrografx, Inc., is a computer-aided design
program. Its highly detailed technical illustrations are easily transferred to other
Windows applications.
Spend a day with us. You’ll never give up a Windows office.
7:45 AM. Early as usual. Opening Windows lands you in the MS-DOS Executive,
the Windows command center and file directory. Run the Windows Calendar program
and see what’s up for the day.
7:55 AM. You’ve got a report due by the end of the day. A comprehensive
sales analysis. Bring up Multiplan® and R:BASE 5000.® Copy regional sales data
from R:BASE into Multiplan.
1:30 PM. Markets closed. How’d you do? Open Terminal to dial Dow Jones
News/Retrieval® and check the final quotes. Copy and paste them into Notepad.
1:45 PM. You did pretty well today. So use the Windows Calculator to figure your
gains. Which you duly note in Notepad. Your good luck, however, requires a call to your
tax attorney. A quick click brings up his listing in Windows Cardfile. Another click
dials him automatically on your modem.
10:30 AM. You’ve squeezed everything you can out of the numbers. Now
open up Microsoft Chart. And let the pictures tell the story. When you’ve made a
chart fit for presentation, capture it from the screen.
11:00 AM. Paste your finished chart into Windows Paint. Add borders, highlights,
and illustrative detail. Not only more appealing, but more effective.
1:55 PM. No sooner do you hang up, than your Calendar alarm sounds. Checking the
Calendar, you find you’ve got a meeting at 2.
3:00 PM. The meeting went on forever. About time you got back to that
report. Copy the chart from Paint, and paste it into Write. It looks brilliant. Now
write it so it sounds brilliant.
4:48 PM. Everything on screen is looking good. You’re ready to print. Open
Clock to confirm time. That’s right, it’s tight. Choose the Print command
and send the document off to the printer. Open Reversi for a quick game while you
wait. While you beat the clock you can try beating the computer.
5:00 PM. Report printed impeccably. Turn it in and shut down for the day. After all,
you were in fifteen minutes early.
One of the great beauties of Windows is that in the here and now you enjoy the
benefits of computing’s future path – graphically oriented software. Without
giving up any of the applications you’re happy with today.
Windows integrates the DOS programs you’re already using with a wide array of
Windows applications.
In addition to Windows Write and Paint, the package includes a collection of Windows desktop
applications which you can use to manage your day-to-day activities. A calendar,
cardfile, notepad, calculator, and telecommunications program, just to name a few.
Used together with your standard applications, they can handle an impressive list
of office routines.
Spend a day with Windows and the future of business computing falls into place,
Windows isn’t merely an operating environment. It’s an extremely useful
collection of applications.
And because Windows runs most existing standard DOS applications, it’s ready to
handle any job you need to do today.
But Windows also represents a foundation for the future.
The Windows interface establishes a common set of command conventions, drop-down
menus, dialog boxes, and icons to standardize operations for all forthcoming Windows
applications. Which means once you’ve learned one Windows application, learning the
next one will be deja vu, not start from scratch.
Windows Write and Windows Paint are the first examples of programs that
embrace the standard.
In-a-Vision, an impressive computer-aided design program by Micrografx, Inc., is
another example. Many more are now being written.
And because Windows runs standard DOS applications, you can look forward to the future.
But you don’t have to wait for it.
The first reviews are in. Here’s what they see in Windows.
Prominent reviewers and industry experts have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Microsoft
Now they’ve had a good look. And we’re pleased to record their responses
to what they saw.
“I’ll bet on Microsoft Windows.” Jonathan Sacks, West Coast editor
of Popular Computing magazine.
“You’ve got a clear winner...” Stewart Alsop, editor and publisher
of P.C. Letter.
“...Windows looks very good...” Peter Norton, in his column in
PC Week 9/24/85.
Of course, all this is going to cost you: $99.
A price that makes Windows the most startling value ever offered in software.
A comparable collection of programs – a switching program, a graphic
interface, desktop applications, a word processor, a drawing program – could
easily cost hundreds of dollars more.
Windows will instantly deliver you a more productive present. And a leap into the future.
A future which, frankly, we have no interest in keeping exclusive. At this price,
it looks to be arriving in a rush.
Integration features:
 |  |  | Work with multiple applications and switch between them.
|  |  | Rim more applications than fit in memory at one time.
|  |  | Consolidate information from standard DOS and Windows applications.
|  |
Applications included:
 |  |  | MS-DOS Executive – DOS file management program. Run programs; format disks;
copy, rename, delete files.
|  |  | Calendar – Set appointments with optional alarm reminders; daily or monthly view.
|  |  | Cardfile – Filing program; cards can include text or graphics, autodial capability.*
|  |  | Notepad – Text scratch pad/editor; time/date stamp option.
|  |  | Terminal – Telecommunications program; copy session data to other programs or
capture to file, autodial capability.*
|  |  | Calculator – Common arithmetic operations, plus square root, percent, and memory.
|  |  | Clock – Can be displayed anywhere on the screen.
|  |  | Reversi – Strategy game; four levels of play.
|  |  | Control Panel – Set rime, date, communication ports, colors, add/delete printers.
|  |  | Program Information File (PIF) Editor – Create or edit PIF files for standard applications.
|  |  | Print Spooler – Print files from Windows applications while running other programs.
|  |  | Clipboard – View information copied from applications.
|  |  | RAMDrive – Setup memory expansion cards as a RAM disk.
|  |
Introductory offer also includes:
 |  |  | Windows Write – Graphics based word processor.
|  |  | Windows Paint – A full-featured drawing program.
|  |
* requires a Hayes compatible modem
Windows will open your eyes.
We invite you to visit your Microsoft Dealer and get a screenful of Microsoft
Windows. We think you’ll agree Windows is clearly a winner.
Microsoft Corporation
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Microsoft® Windows
The High Performance Software.™
[fine print]
Microsoft, Multiplan and MS-DOS are registered trademarks and The High Performance
Software is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
The names of the people and companies used in this piece are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual people or companies is purely coincidental and unintentional.