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Xerox Star/ViewPoint/GlobalViewXerox Star/ViewPoint/GlobalView

The original WIMP GUI and its descendants.

Available from 1981 to 1996. Developed by Xerox Link points to external site.

1981 Xerox 8010 Star
1985 ViewPoint 1.0
1989 ViewPoint 2.0
1990 GlobalView 1.0
1996 GlobalView 2.0
Detailed timeline

18 articles, starting with:
“Microelectronics and the Personal Computer” from Scientific American 1977
“The Xerox Alto computer” from Byte 1981
“Xerox xooms toward the office of the future” from Fortune 1981
“Designing the Star User Interface” from Byte 1982
“The Star user interface: an overview” from proceedings of AFIPS 1982
“A retrospective on the development of Star” from from proceedings of ICSE 1982
“The lab that ran away from Xerox” from Fortune 1983
“Apple’s bid to stay in the big time” from Fortune 1983
More articles

More information

This GUI is not yet fully documented at GUIdebook, but here are some initial screenshots:

Logging in in GlobalView 2.1
Logging in in GlobalView 2.1

More screenshots can also be found in the ads, the articles or the book excerpts.

More screenshots

5 magazine ads, including:

2-page advertisement of Documenter system, using ViewPoint GUI

2-page advertisement of Xerox 6085, using ViewPoint GUI

2-page advertisement of Documenter system, using ViewPoint GUI

2-page advertisement of Xerox 6085, using ViewPoint GUI
More ads



“Insanely great”

“Designing Visual Interfaces”

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