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Windows 2.03
Screenshots from Windows 2.03.

First run

First run in Windows 2.03
First run in Windows 2.03. The screenshot has an extra border (remove).

Empty desktop

Empty desktop in Windows 2.03
Empty desktop in Windows 2.03. The screenshot has an extra border (remove).

Desktop with applications

Desktop with applications in Windows 2.03
Desktop with applications in Windows 2.03. The screenshot has an extra border (remove).

Office applications


Notepad in Windows 2.03 (Notepad)
Notepad in Windows 2.03 (Notepad)

Text editor

Text editor in Windows 2.03 (Write)
Text editor in Windows 2.03 (Write)


Calculator in Windows 2.03 (Calculator)
Calculator in Windows 2.03 (Calculator)


Calendar in Windows 2.03 (Calendar)
Calendar in Windows 2.03 (Calendar)


Clock in Windows 2.03 (Clock)
Clock in Windows 2.03 (Clock)

Address book

Address book in Windows 2.03 (Cardfile)
Address book in Windows 2.03 (Cardfile)

Multimedia applications

Media player
CD player
Volume level

This GUI doesn’t have these features.

Networking applications


Terminal in Windows 2.03 (Terminal)
Terminal in Windows 2.03 (Terminal)

Phone dialer

This GUI doesn’t have this feature.

Internet applications


This GUI doesn’t have these features.

Accessibility applications

Keyboard map

This GUI doesn’t have this feature.


Settings menu

This GUI doesn’t have this feature.


General in Windows 2.03 (Control Panel)
General in Windows 2.03 (Control Panel)


Appearance in Windows 2.03
Appearance in Windows 2.03

Appearance in Windows 2.03
Appearance in Windows 2.03

Desktop themes

This GUI doesn’t have these features.


Mouse in Windows 2.03 (Mouse Options)
Mouse in Windows 2.03 (Mouse Options)

Windows 2.0 added the ability to swap mouse buttons and customize mouse acceleration. Probably by omission, the double-click speed setting can still be found in the Settings > General menu.

Time and date

This feature can be found in the General section.


International in Windows 2.03
International in Windows 2.03

Power management

This GUI doesn’t have these features.

System managers

Application manager

This feature can be found in the File manager section.

File manager

File manager in Windows 2.03
File manager in Windows 2.03

Running applications

Running applications in Windows 2.03
Running applications in Windows 2.03

Task manager

This GUI doesn’t have this feature.

System features

Trash can

This GUI doesn’t have these features.


Run in Windows 2.03 (Run)
Run in Windows 2.03 (Run)

Run in Windows 2.03 (Load)
Run in Windows 2.03 (Load)

System utilities

Command prompt

Command prompt in Windows 2.03
Command prompt in Windows 2.03

Startup and shutdown

Welcome splash

Welcome splash in Windows 2.03
Welcome splash in Windows 2.03. The screenshot has an extra border (remove) and wrong aspect ratio (correct).

Login screen
Logout screen

This GUI doesn’t have these features.

Shutdown window

Shutdown window in Windows 2.03 (End Session)
Shutdown window in Windows 2.03 (End Session)

Shutting down
Shutdown complete

This GUI doesn’t have these features.


Welcome screen

Welcome screen in Windows 2.03
Welcome screen in Windows 2.03. The screenshot has an extra border (remove).


This GUI doesn’t have this feature.

File copying

File copying in Windows 2.03
File copying in Windows 2.03. The screenshot has an extra border (remove).

Installation complete

Installation complete in Windows 2.03
Installation complete in Windows 2.03. The screenshot has an extra border (remove).


About GUI

About GUI in Windows 2.03
About GUI in Windows 2.03

About application

About application in Windows 2.03
About application in Windows 2.03

Font selection

Font selection in Windows 2.03
Font selection in Windows 2.03

Open file

Open file in Windows 2.03
Open file in Windows 2.03

Colour selector

This feature can be found in the Appearance section.


Wrong password

This GUI doesn’t have this feature.

Copyright © 2002-2006 Marcin Wichary, unless stated otherwise.