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Three-page GEM advertisement from PC Magazine, 11th June 1985.

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Introducing the new and improved IBM PC.

Introducing GEM.


You just found the perfect way to get a brand new and improved IBM® PC without buying one.

Get GEM™ software from Digital Research instead. And your IBM PC, PC/XT, AT or compatible will become something it’s never been before.

Easy to use.

Now instead of getting lost in PC DOS, you can actually use your PC to get something done. (An astonishing idea, if ever there was one.)

It all starts with GEM DESKTOP,™ a clever little $49.95* program that hides the rigmarole of PC DOS. And lets you work with a simple header menu, icons, drop-down menus and a pointer.

So opening a file, for instance, is as easy as pointing with your mouse (or your cursor keys, if mice make you uneasy) to the file folder you want to work on. And click. It’s open.

That’s how GEM works. Here’s what it works with. First of all, you can still run most important programs ever written for the IBM PC. And GEM software will make them easier to get into.

Then there are GEM programs we’ve written ourselves.

Like the GEM COLLECTION,™ a bundle that includes GEM DESKTOP,™ GEM WRITE™* and GEM PAINT.™ So you can process words and pictures together.

GEM DRAW™ with an extensive gallery of art to help you create everything from fine art to line art. GEM GRAPH™ to turn numbers into something more tangible. And GEM WORDCHART,™ the simplest last word (and chart) in presentation graphics.

And soon you’ll see important programs from a host of major software houses.

Now, GEM is as easy to find as it is to use. Call (800) 443-4200. Ask for our GEM brochure. The name of your GEM software dealer. Or simply place an order.

Because with GEM, the best new computer on the market isn’t a computer at all.


[fine print]

*Suggested retail price. GEM requires that your computer have appropriate graphics capability and that the pointing device be compatible. GEM, GEM COLLECTION, GEM DESKTOP, GEM WRITE, GEM PAINT, GEM DRAW, GEM GRAPH and GEM WORDCHART are trademarks and Digital Research is a registered trademark of Digital Research Inc. GEM WRITE is by Lifetree Software, Inc. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. © 1985, Digital Research Inc. All rights reserved.

Variants of this ad: 12-page · 3-page · 1-page
Page added on 26th February 2005.

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