[page 1]
Last Tuesday, several million of you demonstrated the principle of democracy
as it applies to politics. One person, one vote.
Throughout this magazine, we’re going to demonstrate the principle of
democracy as it applies to technology. One person, one computer.
[pages 13-14]
A funny thing happens when you design a computer everyone can use.
Everyone uses it.
At Apple, we only have one rule:
Rules are made to be broken.
Take “Thou shalt be compatible with IBM?” for instance.
We decided there was something more important than building a computer
that’s compatible with another computer.
Namely, building a computer that’s compatible with people.
So, we bet the farm.
We went ahead and built Macintosh.™ The most powerful, most portable,
most versatile computer not-very-much-money could buy.
The first business computer you can actually use without ever taking the
cellophane off the instruction manual.
We knew we were onto something when we’d sold 72,000 Macintoshes in the
first 100 days. And began receiving so many fan letters, we had to start
using shopping carts for in-baskets.
Fan letters from a Rabbi in Florida. A free-lance writer in California. A cost
analyst at Exxon. A pharmacist in Miami.
Letters of thanks. Letters of praise.
But what pleased us most about the letters wasn’t the words of gratitude,
the rave reviews or the votes of confidence.
What pleased us most about the letters was that many had been written on Macintoshes.
By people who had never used a computer before.
That’s why we’ve reprinted a few of those letters here.
What better way to show you that knowing almost nothing about computers never
stopped anyone from doing almost anything with a Macintosh.
From designing letterheads to cataloguing pharmaceutical to analyzing fiscal
expenditures to drafting marketing presentations.
Here, before our very eyes (and yours), is our own technology smiling back at us.
Proof that sometimes when you set out to change the rules, you wind up changing the world.
[page 15]
[Letter 1]
February 7, 1984
Mr. Stan DeVaughn
Investor Contact
Apple Computer, Inc.
20525 Mariani Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Dear Mr. DeVaughn:
I had been “thinking about” a Personal Computer for some time.
When I read the report on Macintosh in the February, 1984 issue
of Personal Computing, I knew that Macintosh was what I had
been waiting for. I purchased a Macintosh the next day, January 31,
and was so impressed by the machine that I subsequently purchased
500 shares of Apple Computer stock. If I am in any way typical of
potential Personal Computer purchasers out there, Macintosh
has a very bright future.
The few times I had ventured into computer stores and had been
shown word processing computers (which is my primary use for
a computer), I was thoroughly “intimidated” by the demonstration.
Watching the salesman typing commands to load disks, load programs,
etc., while easy enough to learn (I suppose), made me feel tense
in my stomach (which I recognized as a stress reaction).
What excites me about Macintosh is that it allows persons to
use it without altering their normal way of perceiving their
world. We perceive our world visually and spatially. We
organize our perceptions by means of symbols. The genius of the
Lisa technology is that a user can now approach a computer
in that same way that he/she approaces all of life. The
computer can now be a servant to the use, not the other
way around. Using another image, Lisa technology has taken computers
out of the era of the crank-up Model T Ford, into the era of
modern automobiles with automatic transmission and cruise
[rest obscured by another sheet]
[Letter 2]
June 23, 1984
Apple Computer, Inc.
20525 Mariani Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Dear Mr. President:
Exactly seven days ago, I purchased the Macintosh™ I’m using to write
this letter. Let me go on record as saying that since I don’t know that
much about computers -- often confusing my RAMs with my ROMs -- I thoroughly
enjoy this unit.
I’m a professional writer for an advertising/public relations firm in Chicago,
and frankly, I just got tired of retyping pages. Even though I’m going to use
my Macintosh mainly for my own work at home, I do enough of that to make it
worth the investment.
Two things before I let you go. First, my compliments to the person who wrote
your manuals. They are easy to read with a just the right touch of humor. Second,
I hope you get the software rolling for Macintosh. The screen resolution is going
to make purchasing programs actually a pleasure.
Again, my thanks for a really nice unit.
James A. Nowakowski
[Letter 3]
19 March, 1984
Mr. Dani Lewin
Apple Computer, Inc.
20525 Mariani Avenua
Cupertino, CA 95014
Dear Mr. Lewin:
This letter is to compliment Apple Computer on the elegant
user interface of the Macintosh™. Last Friday night my
family finished dinner early, and my three-year old son
Stefan pulled his chair up to the kitchen desk, on which the
Macintosh was sitting. He selected the Guided Tour disk,
turned the computer on himself, and found his way to the
desktop. Then, to his mother’s and my amazement, he found
the icon that selected the maze game, called up the program,
and proceeded to run a series of mazes. In these activities
he demonstrated familiarity with the mouse cursor, the
button, and the pull-down menus.
This morning he and his older brother Benjamin (age 5)
were experimenting with Write/Paint. Benj figured out how
to name and save a drawing.
My congratulations to you all; of the seven personal
computers I have used, the Mac is by far the most
user-friendly. My teenage ward (who has an IBM-PC)
calls it “user-cuddly.”
Sincerely yours,
J. Robert Beck
RR2 Box 154
West Lebanon, NH 03784
[Letter 4]
To the entire Macintosh Team:
“Insanely Great!”
Thanks for the real “Tool for Modern Times”!
Gary R. Voth
April 11, 1984
[pages 16-17]
Even IBM has written a testimonial for Macintosh.
They didn’t intend to, of course.
But that’s what happens when you fill binders the size of phone books
with words you’d have to be a
computer to understand. Mumbo-jumbo like “file type mismatch” and
“Error (Resume – “F1” Key).”
People read between the lines.
And the message that comes through loud and clear is: there must be an easier way.
There is.
Macintosh was designed by people who know everything there is to know about
computers, so that you wouldn’t have to.
It doesn’t come with volumes of instruction manuals to explain how
to use it, because it comes with 200-person-years of built-in software that
make Macintosh easier to use.
Its brain is the blindingly fast 32-bit MC68000 microprocessor – far
more powerful than the 16-bit 8088 found in current generation computers.
Which not only makes Macintosh easier to use but easier to learn.
In fact, chances are you’ll be using it in less than an hour.
It all boils down to our firm belief that simple is better.
Take Macintosh’s keyboard, for example.
It has noticeably fewer keys than an IBM. Yet it can do noticeably more
things. With noticeably less effort.
All thanks to the most useful key known to computing: the mouse.
The mouse not only replaces the complicated keys that clutter a keyboard.
It replaces the complicated keystroke commands that can clutter your brain.
So you can point, click, cut and paste your way through even the most
complicated document or presentation, concentrating on what you’re doing
instead of how to do it.
Macintosh’s 3½ hard-shell disks are another example of the way
Macintosh takes into account the human being who uses it.
First of all, they store more than conventional 5¼” floppies – 400K.
Yet they’re small enough to fit in a shirt pocket.
And while their unique size makes them a whole lot handier, their hard shell
protects them from the number one cause of data loss: handling.
We could go on and on.
But before we end up writing volumes of our own about Macintosh, we’d
like to leave you pondering these final words:
Because the less sense they make, the more sense Macintosh makes,
[pages 18-24]
If you can point, you can use Macintosh, too.
It’s probably safe to assume, at this point, that you can point.
And having mastered the oldest known method of making yourself
understood, you’ve also mastered using the most sophisticated business
computer yet developed.
Designed on the simple premise that a computer is a lot more
useful if it’s easy to use.
So, first of all, we made the screen layout resemble a desktop, displaying
pictures of objects you’ll have no trouble recognizing. File folders.
Clipboards. Even a trash can.
Then we developed a natural way for you to pick up, hold and move these
objects around. That small, rolling box affectionally known as a “mouse.”
To tell Macintosh what you want to do, you simply move the mouse until
you’re pointing at the object or function you want.
Then click the button on top of the mouse, and you instantly begin working
with that object. Open a file folder. Review the papers inside. Read a memo.
Use a calculator. And so on.
You can also use the mouse to perform two other vital functions on Macintosh:
cutting and pasting.
You can not only cut and paste words, numbers and pictures within each Macintosh
program, you can also cut between the programs.
If you wanted to illustrate a memo with a drawing or chart, for example, you could
create your text in Macintosh’s word processing program MacWrite, create your
illustration in the graphics program, MacPaint, and then cut and paste the two
Just like you would with scissors and paper.
Whether you’re working with words, numbers or even pictures, Macintosh works
the same basic way. In other words, once you’ve learned to use one Macintosh
program, you’ve learned to use them all.
On the following pages we’ll show you how easy Macintosh is to use.
If it seems extraordinarily simple, it’s probably because conventional computers
are extraordinarily complicated.
Point. Click.
To tell Macintosh what you want to do, all you have to do is point and click.
You move the pointer on the screen by moving the mouse on your desktop.
When you get to the item you want to use – click once, and you’ve selected that
item to work with.
In this case, the pointer appears as the pencil you’ve selected to put
some finishing touches on an illustration you’d like to include in a memo.
Once you’ve completed your illustration, you need to cut it out of the
document you created it on, so that you can put it in the word processing
program you used to write your memo.
To do this, you simply use the mouse to draw a box around the illustration, which
tells Macintosh this is the area you want to cut.
Then you move the pointer to die top of die screen where it says
“Edit.” Hold the mouse button down and Edit will then show
you a list, or “pull-down menu” of all the editorial commands available.
Then pull the pointer down this menu and point to the command, “Cut,”
highlighted by a black bar.
Release the mouse button and zap, it’s done.
And now, to finish your memo, bring up MacWrite, Macintosh’s word processing
program. Just pick a place for your illustration. (Macintosh will
automatically make room for it.)
In the meantime, your illustration has been conveniently stored in another
part of Macintosh’s ample memory.
To paste the illustration into your memo, move the mouse pointer
once again to the Edit menu at the top of the screen.
This time, you pull the mouse down until “Paste” is highlighted by
a black bar. Release the mouse button and, once again, zap.
And print.
You tell a Macintosh Personal Computer to print the same way you
tell it to do everything else – move the mouse pointer to “File”
and pull it down until “Print” is highlighted in a black bar. And,
provided you have a printer, you’ll immediately see your work in print.
Your work, all your work, and nothing but your work. Because with
Macintosh’s companion printer, Imagewriter, you can print out everything
you can put on Macintosh’s screen.
You’re now as much of a computer expert as you’ll ever need to be.
And just a few pages from now, we’ll show you how to put your newfound skills to use.
[pages 53-54]
Now that there’s a computer you can actually use, here’s how you can actually use it.
First, enlarge your vocabulary.
Earlier in this magazine, we showed you how Macintosh™ has made the
phrase “easy-to-use” credible again.
Now it’s time to show you something incredible.
Namely, some of the new Macintosh software that’s rapidly turning the world’s
easiest-to-use business computer into the worlds most useful business computer.
Starting with a computer function that’s become as commonplace in the American
office as MBA’s and paper clips.
Word processing.
Any computer worth its weight in silicon can do an adequate job of shuffling
words around. If, that is, you’ve memorized all the complex commands to make it happen.
But with Macintosh’s various word processing programs, you can shuffle words,
sentences, paragraphs and pages like they’ve never been shuffled before.
In large type sizes. In small type sizes. In in-between type sizes.
In boldface, italics or underlined.
You can even select different type fonts. From a business style we call
New York, to an Old English style called London.
But where Macintosh really leaves ordinary computers stumbling over
their own microprocessors is in its extraordinary ability to mix text with graphics.
Thanks to the incredible power of Macintosh’s 32-bit technology, you can actually
illustrate your point with graphs, charts and freehand drawings created on
Macintosh graphics programs.
Turning ordinary word processing into a whole new form of communication. Simply by
utilizing the world’s oldest known form of communication:
Because anything and everything you might want to do with words can be
done with a simple point and click of Macintosh’s mouse.
Want to move a paragraph? Just point and click.
Want to produce hundreds of personalized form letters from a single
document? Just point and click.
Want to include a key state map in your quarterly sales report? just point and click.
With Macintosh, words like “command sequence,” “type CONTROL QA”
and “syntax error” will never come between you and what you want to say.
Because at Apple, we think it’s more important for you to concentrate on
the words that are in your vocabulary.
Not the computer’s.
[illustration captions]
“Macintosh’s MacWrite program lets you go from New York to San Francisco by simply
pointing and clicking the mouse.”
“You can also use various type sizes with MacWrite.”
“Why sign your name with something as old-fashioned as a pen when you can as easily do it with Macintosh?”
“Macintosh’s pull-down menus spell out every available option.”
[page 56]
Next, set your records straight.
If you’ve ever used a business computer before, you’re probably familiar with
the term “data base management.”
Of course, if you’ve ever used a telephone book before, you’re also familiar with
the term data base management.
Because, simply put, data base management is exactly what it
says it is. A way to manage data.
Any data.
Sales records. Personnel files. Expense reports. Account lists. Appointment
calendars. Price lists. Inventories.
Or the phone numbers of everyone in French Lick, Indiana, whose last name begins
with the letter X.
Now while a phone book may be very easy to use, it’s very limited in the way
it can handle data.
And while computers give you unlimited ways to file and retrieve data,
they’re anything but easy to use.
Unless, of course, the computer happens to be named Macintosh.
With Macintosh data base management programs, you can store information
and cross-tabulate files any way you want.
About as easily as you would look up a number in the phone book.
Say, for instance, you want a listing of your top five salespeople in
the top five markets in the U.S.
You can do that with other computers. But by the time you memorize all the
keystroke commands to make it happen, the information will probably be out of date.
Macintosh, on the other hand, will tell you everything you want to know
with a simple point and click of the mouse. In almost any form your linger can dream up.
From numbers to text. From an ordinary list, to a not-so-ordinary U.S. map that
highlights key states.
From an electronic reproduction of your company’s invoices, to pictures of
your company’s product that let you file and retrieve information visually.
And if you work for a company that needs to manage greater amounts
of data, like the C.I.A., you can get Macintosh with 512K of internal memory.
Or go all the way up to our biggest brain, Lisa®, that’s available with
up to 74 megabytes of storage.
Of course, the best reason for using Macintosh to manage your data isn’t its
ability to cross-reference information. Or its ability to selectively retrieve files.
Or even the spiffy way it incorporates graphics.
The best reason to use Macintosh is that it lets you spend a lot less time
looking for information, and a lot more time deciding what to do with it.
And virtually no time learning how to use a computer.
[illustration captions]
“Macintosh data bases, like OverVUE™ and pfs:® File, let you
look at information in chronological or alphabetical order.”
“Other Macintosh programs, like Helix, let you look at information in ways
it’s never been looked at before.”
[page 58]
Send your finger on a fact finding mission.
You’ve seen how Macintosh is a whiz at helping you put your finger on any
information you have on hand.
But what if you need to know something that’s not in your files?
Like up-to-the-minute stock quotes. Or the number of freeze-dried vegetarian
turkeys stored in your Winnemucca warehouse.
You could spend half the day on the phone. Or wait a day and a half
for overnight mail.
Or you could let your finger do the talking. And get instant answers to
all your questions with Macintosh.
All it takes is a communications program called MacTerminal. And an Apple®
Modem. A simple device that lets you send or receive any information from
virtually any computer anywhere over standard phone lines.
At about the speed of light.
Including one type of information that normally moves at a much slower pace:
The mail.
In computer circles, this is commonly referred to as “electronic mail.” And
any computer with half a microprocessor can do an adequate job of it.
The difference is, Macintosh’s powerful 32-bit microprocessor makes it
uncommonly easy.
By simply pointing and clicking the mouse, you can zap a letter off to
every branch manager in every branch office in North America.
Or a chart. Or a spreadsheet. Or a sketch of your R & D department’s new idea
for edible soap.
You can also tap into commercial information services. Such as Dow Jones
News/Retrieval®, CompuServe®, The SourceSM and The
Official Airline Guide.®
Which allows you to use Macintosh for everything from scanning The WallStreet
Journal to making your own airline reservations.
Plus, Macintosh speaks DEC® VT100™, VT52™, TTY and
IBM®3270* like a native. So you can pull data
directly from your company’s mainframe.
Now if you think all that’s impressive, you haven’t read anything yet.
Once you’ve cut the figures you want from the mainframe, you can paste
them directly into a Macintosh spreadsheet. Then turn the numbers into a
chart with a Macintosh chart program. And last, but certainly not least,
you can print out the chart as part of a report.
Total elapsed time: around 20 minutes.
Try that on an ordinary business computer, and it’ll wind up being mission
* Additional hardware required
[illustration captions]
“If you can point, you can use Macintosh to talk to other computers across
the hall. Or across the Atlantic.”
“Macintosh can even transmit freehand drawings, graphs, charts, spreadsheets,
and electronically reproduced photographs.”
“IBM is finally talking to us. Thanks to Macintosh’s ability to access
mainframes through 3270 series emulation.”
[page 60]
Once you’ve answered your questions, question your answers.
In the beginning, there was the paper spreadsheet. And it was good.
That is, until you had to change some of your numbers. In which case,
a paper spreadsheet would wear a pencil down to a nub in nothing flat.
Not to mention your brain.
Then, along came the electronic spreadsheet. A computerized version of the
common paper spreadsheet. Sans pencil. And it was better.
But there was still one major drawback. You had to use it on a
common computer. Which meant hours and hours of trying to learn how.
Now, along comes Macintosh.
And neither spreadsheets nor computers will ever be the same again.
Using a spreadsheet program like Microsoft’s Multiplan® or Lotus’®
new integrated Macintosh software, you can make better, faster, more informed
business decisions.
Without having to go through a grouchy computer to answer your questions. Or,
for that matter, to question your answers.
What if, for example, you want to do something as simple as change a column width?
On an ordinary computer (say an IBM PC, for instance), its a not-quite-so-simple
four-key command sequence.
On Macintosh, you just point to the column with the mouse and click.
And you can revise entire budgets, forecasts, business plans and stock trends the
same basic way.
What if suppliers increase their finance charges 2% per year over the next five years?
What if Amalgamated Consolidated goes up 1 5/8? Or down 1 5/8?
What if the company hires four new vice-presidents next quarter?
The hefty power of Macintosh’s 32-bit microprocessor lets you answer those
questions – and more – by simply pointing to the spreadsheet
cells you want to change, clicking the mouse and entering the new numbers.
If you’re a serious number cruncher, you can equip your Macintosh with an
optional numeric key pad.
And for larger spreadsheets you have the option to move up to a 512K Macintosh.
You can even merge information from different spreadsheets to create models
complex enough to excite a Pentagon planner.
Which means you can balance hundreds and hundreds of variables, allowing you
to thoroughly analyze any business decision.
Before you have to make it.
In the process, you get a more complete, intuitive understanding of where
you are. And where you’re going.
But best of all, you don’t have to understand the first thing about computers to
get there.
* Available from Lotus Development Corporation early 1985.
[illustration captions]
“With Microsoft’s spreadsheet program, Multiplan, klutzy cursor keys are
replaced by a simple point and click of the mouse.”
“Lotus Development Corp. has a new integrated software program for Macintosh
that will be available early 1985.”
[page 62]
Then show off your figures.
Whether you’re an accountant, an insurance salesman, a product manager or
own a chain of free haircut parlors, chances are you have to deal with numbers.
And numbers.
And more numbers.
And even more numbers.
And the more numbers you deal with, the more you need a computer
like Macintosh. And a business graphics program like Microsoft Chart.
Together, they give you a powerful tool for turning rows and rows of
numbers nobody understands, into charts and graphs everybody understands.
In a matter of minutes.
Because the same way you would use Macintosh to change numbers in a
spreadsheet, is the same way you can change any number of digits into one
comprehensible illustration.
By using a single digit – your finger – to point and click the mouse.
Which is a lot more fun than wading through reams of data trying to
draw your own conclusions.
Or wading through manuals the size of the greater Manhattan Yellow Pages
trying to get an ordinary computer to do it for you.
Let’s say, for instance, you want to visualize the results of a complex
market analysis.
With Macintosh, it’s anything but complex.
First, enter your data into a Macintosh business graphics program.
Or to make things even easier on yourself, simply “cut” numbers from your
spreadsheet program and “paste” them directly into the graphics program.
Then go to the pull-down menu to select the type of chart or graph you’d like to use.
Point to the one you want. Click the button on the mouse.
And voilà!
Right before your very eyes, up pops a bar chart. Or a pie chart.
Or a line graph. Or a scatter graph.
Or any one of 40 charts and graphs built into the program.
Of course, if you don’t like any of those, you can always create your own.
Whatever it takes to make your numbers make sense.
And when you’re done with that, you can do more of the same with
forecasts, budgets, stock trends, customer demographics or media
analyses. Virtually nothing is immune to communicating better, when
it’s communicated visually.
And should you care to share that observation with your associates,
you can.
Because any chart or graph that appears on your screen can be printed out
for a presentation – either on paper or for overhead transparencies.
You can even customize your print-outs and transparencies with labels
and legends. In any type style or size your finger desires.
Just as if it had been prepared by the art department.
Which points out a fact our competition would like you to ignore.
Macintosh lets you communicate in a way no one can ignore.
[illustration captions]
“Macintosh lets you create something as complex as a vertical bar chart.
With something as simple as your finger.”
“If you think this is impressive here, imagine how it will look
in your next presentation.”
“Pick a chart. Any chart. Macintosh makes it easy.”
[page 64]
If they still don’t get the idea, draw them a picture.
Despite all the amazing technology and engineering genius we’ve put into
Macintosh, the most impressive thing just might be what you can get out of it:
From a program we call MacPaint.
MacPaint turns Macintosh into a combination [of] architect’s drafting table,
artists easel and illustrators sketch pad.
Which means, for the first time, a computer can produce any image the
human hand can create. Because the Macintosh mouse allows the human hand to
create it.
You can doodle. Cross-hatch. Fill-in. Spray paint. Or erase.
Using nothing but the mouse.
So, in those situations where it takes a thousand or so words to say what
you want to say, you can draw what you want to say.
Even if you’re not a natural born artist.
Because MacPaint comes replete with a whole art store full of special tools
for designing everything from office forms to technical illustrations. Along with
type styles for lettering, captions, labels and headlines.
So you can make your presentations more presentable by incorporating
custom graphics. Without going through the time, trouble and expense of
hiring a design studio.
Using a video camera and a device called a digitizer, you can even
use Macintosh to electronically reproduce photograph that can be printed out
and included in a presentation.
And here’s a fun project for the weekend:
Start your own company.
It’s not as hard as it sounds, considering you can design your own logo and
letterhead with MacPaint.
Or, for even less artistically-inclined folk, there are programs like ClickArt™
and Mac die Knife™ that have a scrapbook-full of professional illustrations
you can use.
And if the company you start happens to be an architectural or interior
design firm, boy are you in luck.
There’s a new series of Macintosh programs from Hayden Software called DaVinci
Landscapes, Interiors and Buildings that lets you work with hundreds of
professional architectural tools. Including floorplans for homes and
offices. Building elevations. And elevated views of landscaping. All
drawn to scale. You can use them as is, or alter them to fit your plans.
Which is very similar to the way our own MacDraw program works for interior design.
It puts electronic “graph paper” and “rulers”
on the screen for drawing walls,
tables, desks and shelves. All in perfect scale.
Throw in a few headings and captions, run it through a printer, and you’ve got
an instant floor plan of your clients new branch office.
Or for the living room of that cute little Cape Cod you just went 30 years in debt for.
All by doing little more than pointing and clicking the mouse.
Maybe that’s not exactly magic.
But it certainly is sleight of hand.
[illustration captions]
“You can even blow up certain areas of your drawing to add highlights. Or hair.”
“And for the ultimate in realistic renditions, you can add additional hardware
to Macintosh that electronically reproduces photographs.”
[page 66]
Now that you know “what,” figure out who, where, when and how.
Over the past 12 pages, we’ve shown you how Macintosh can do everything the
average business person needs the average business computer to do.
Word processing. Data base management. Data communications. Spreadsheets. And
business graphics.
In a way that’s anything but average.
Now you’re about to see something no other business computer can touch.
Average or otherwise.
It’s called MacProject. And combined with Macintosh’s amazing 32-bit
power, it makes project planning easier than falling off an IBM user manual.
Once you figure out the “what” of a project – whether it’s marketing a
new product, producing a 40-page brochure or building a building –
you suddenly come face-to-face with that dreaded enemy that has sent many a
middle level manager to an early retirement.
The deadline.
And as we all know, deadlines never move.
So the thing that really has to move is the project. Which is where
MacProject comes in handy.
MacProject lets you create a visual schedule that tracks the critical path
to completion of any protect. From start to finish.
The same way you do everything else with Macintosh: by simply pointing and
clicking the mouse.
All you have to do is enter the tasks and resources involved into the MacProject program.
The “who’s.” The “when’s.”
The “where’s.” And the “how’s.”
MacProject does the rest.
It calculates dates. It assigns individual deadlines. And then pulls it
all together into a flow chart.
If there’s a single change in any phase of the project, MacProject will
automatically recalculate every other phase and create a revised flow chart.
So you can generate business plans and status reports that reflect the realities
of the job. Not the limitations of your computer.
And if you’re involved in a really gigantic project – like the Long Island
to London Subway – the 512K version of Macintosh can produce a timeline
that stretches from here to the other side of your office. And back.
Obviously, capabilities like these will save you an incredible amount
of time when it comes to managing a project.
But it’ll also save you some time when you go to an authorized Apple dealer
to see Macintosh for yourself.
Because now you have one less thing to figure out:
Why you should buy one.
[illustration captions]
“MacProject’s project table tells you at a glance who’s doing what, when.”
“MacProject can tell you what you’ll be doing Friday. Even if it’s only Monday.”
[pages 93-98]
It takes minutes of practice to make Macintosh do this.
And this.
Whether you deal with words, numbers, graphs, drawings, flow charts
– or all of the above – Macintosh™ can make your work
a good deal easier than it’s ever been before.
And better looking than it’s ever been before.
The best example of that we can think of is the example we’ve been showing
you all along.
The new product proposal for Gourmet Baby Food you saw being constructed on
Macintosh just a few short pages ago.
Printed out here, in glorious black and white.
While it may look like the work of a professional design studio, we assure
you it’s merely the product of some not-so-professional Macintosh users.
Who know virtually nothing about computers.
Except how to point and click a mouse.
And this.
By now, you already know that we know how to make one heck of a good computer.
Now you can see that we’re no slouches when it comes to printers.
Every page you see here was printed on an Apple® Imagewriter.
Exactly the way you see it here.
With no doctoring. No retouching. No photographic hocus-pocus.
Macintosh can also drive our letter-quality daisy wheel printer.
And for really dazzling output, wait until you see our new soon-to-be-introduced
laser printer. It makes
computer printouts look as good as the printing in this magazine.
In the meantime, take a few minutes to look over these pages.
Then you’ll understand why people never overlook anything produced on a Macintosh.
And this.
[page 113]
Use this card to break into computers.
All you need to get an Apple Credit Card is another major credit card.*
Fill out an application at any authorized Apple dealer, and voilà!
You’ve got a line of credit to buy your very own Macintosh™ Personal
Computer for only 10% down.
Which makes buying a Macintosh, almost as easy as using one.
* VISA, Mastercard, American Express, in your name. You must be a homeowner and
show proof that you’ve been at your current job al least two years. Certain
credit limitations may apply.