Introducing the MessagePad 2000, the only handheld computer you can actually use.
Of all the handheld computers, only the MessagePad 2000 offers sharp, crisp
backlighting and a 16-level, high-resolution gray-scale screen that rotates
on command. Which means you can always see your work in the best orientation
– horizontal or vertical, even upside down. And in the best light.
Bright. Or dim.
The MessagePad 2000 gives you more flexibility, thanks to its two PC slots (other
handhelds have only one slot). So, for example, you can dedicate one to a
wired or wireless modem and use the other for additional memory.
How much can you do in three to six weeks? That’s how long a set of AA
batteries lasts under normal usage. Note: normal usage here means a lot. Like
having backlighting on, using the modem, crunching numbers, writing e-mail,
droning, doodling, whatever.
Built-in software lets you connect directly to a variety of serial, IrDA and
LocalTalk® printers – unlike most Windows® CE devices, which have
to be hooked up to a PC in order to print.
There’s fast. And then there’s fast. The MessagePad 2000 comes with
a screaming 160 MHz RISC processor, which offers up to five times the performance
of the 20-40 MHz processors you get with other handheld
The usable area of the MessagePad 2000 screen is up to 56% larger than what
you’ll find on most Windows CE products. So, instead of having to decipher
small sections at a lime, you can read the entire width of a fax or Web page.
A built-in microphone and speaker let you record and play back voice dictation.
And the MessagePad 2000 is the only handheld computer that lets you record and
take notes simultaneously.
The MessagePad 2000 works easily with desktop computers. So you can create documents
on the MessagePad 2000, then transfer them to and from Microsoft® Excel or
Word on any Windows or Mac® OS-based system. Or you can keep your calendar
and address book current by synchronizing them with desktop programs like Microsoft
Schedule+ 7.0 or Claris Organizer™ 2.0. And it’s easy: with Auto
Dock, the MessagePad 2000 makes these transfers automatically.
Unlike Windows CE-based devices, MessagePad 2000 is the only handheld computer that
lets you exchange data with both Windows and Mac OS-based computers.
The MessagePad 2000 handheld computer offers a real detachable keyboard (not a
tiny, finger-cramping version). So you can quickly and easily type e-mail, business
letters, project reports. Only your superb writing slyle – not your aching
fingers – will determine the length of your documents.
Of all the handheld computers out there, only one makes it truly easy to be
productive on the road. Introducing the MessagePad® 2000. Rather than just
letting you view data, the MessagePad 2000 lets you carry out sophisticated tasks with
the greatest of ease. For example: you can now write a full-length proposal,
insert information downloaded from the Web – even include pricing from your
company’s Intranet – and then fax or e-mail it to a client. Try that
with an ordinary handheld computer. The MessagePad 2000 has more power, more
storage, more flexibility. All contained within the most innovative design, optimized
for usefulness. Of course, there’s only one real way to understand how
incredible the new MessagePad 2000 is: try it yourself. For the name of a dealer
near you, or to get more information, call 800-909-0260. Or visit us at
[fine print]
Modem and ISP required for Internet access. Competitive specifications as of February
1997. ©1997 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple
logo, the lightbulb logo, LocalTalk, Mac, Macintosh, MessagePad and Newton are registered
trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Claris Organizer is a trademark of Claris Corporation. Microsoft and Windows are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All Macintosh® computers are
designed to be accessible to individuals with disability. To learn more (U.S. only),
call 800-600-7808 or TTY 800-755-0601.