Starting today, everything your computer has ever done, it will do better.
If you thought you knew what OS/2® was all about, think again. This is
32-bit OS/2 2.0, and it’s more than a promise. It’s a breakthrough.
An operating system that takes your DOS, Windows™ OS/2 applications
beyond the limitations of the past – and lets you do more with them
than you ever could with DOS, DOS with Windows and OS/2 1.3.
It also runs multiple DOS, Windows and OS/2 applications at the same time,
regardless of version, in separate windows on the same screen – seamlessly.
In other words, true multitasking. And with OS/2 Crash Protection™,
each running application is protected from the next, so if one goes down it
won’t affect the others.
About the only thing better than how much more OS/2 can do, is how easily it
does it all. There’s a graphical interface that makes OS/2 easy to
install, learn and use – the Workplace Shell. And OS/2 comes with
HelpWare:™ a collection of services and support, including
a toll-free number. But maybe the best part is that instead of buying DOS,
Windows and Adobe Type Manager® you get them all with OS/2. So for a
whole lot less, OS/2 2.0 gives you a whole lot more.
With OS/2, your software can catch up with your hardware. And you can do
the only thing you haven’t been able to do with your computer. Make the
most of it. For an IBM authorized dealer near you, or to order OS/2 2.0 –
at special introductory prices of $49 for Windows and $99 from any DOS – call
1 800 3-IBM-OS2.*
Introducing OS/2 2.0.
 |  |  | Runs DOS, Windows and OS/2 applications from a single system.
|  |  | Workplace Shell: an easy-to-use, graphical interface.
|  |  | Up to 48MB expanded memory per application. No 640K limit.
|  |  | Makes the most of 386 SX hardware and above.
|  |  | Upgrade from Windows to OS/2 2.0 for $49; $99 from any DOS.**
|  |
[fine print]
*In Canada, call 1 800 465-1234. **Upgrade from Windows, $49;
upgrade from DOS, $99; $139 base operating system. These prices valid only when ordered
directly through IBM. Dealer prices may vary. Offer valid in U.S.A. only, expires 7/31/92.
HelpWare limited to U.S.A. only. IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks and OS/2 Crash
Protection and HelpWare are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
All other products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
© 1992 IBM Corp.