There’s a place in this world for DOS and Windows.
And you’re looking at it.
OS/2® 2.0 isn’t about leaving your DOS and Windows™
applications behind. It’s about moving them ahead – doing
more with them than ever before.
Now you can run DOS, Windows and OS/2 applications at the same
time, in separate windows on the same screen. Create a new letter
while using your fax/modem. Print charts as you calculate a complex
spreadsheet. Even “cut and paste” between any applications –
and more. But OS/2 doesn’t just enhance your current applications.
It protects vour investment in them. And preserves your choices as
more become available, including new 32-bit applications.
But maybe the best part is that for less than the cost of DOS
and Windows, you get the capabilities of both. Plus all the added benefits
of OS/2 2.0 – including Adobe Type Manager.™ So with
OS/2 2.0, whatever applications you use, you’ve come to the
right place. For an IBM authorized dealer near you, or to order
OS/2 2.0 from IBM – at special introductory prices of $49 for
Windows users and $99 from any DOS – call
1 800 3-IBM-OS2.*
Introducing OS/2 2.0.
 |  |  | Runs DOS, Windows and OS/2 applications from a single system.
|  |  | Supported on most IBM-compatible 386 SX PCs and above.
|  |  | Up to 48MB expanded memory per application. No 640K limit.
|  |  | Workplace Shell™: an easy-to-use, graphical interface.
|  |  | OS/2 2.0 upgrade: $49 from Windows, $99 from any DOS.*
|  |
[fine print]
*In Canada, call 1 800 465-1234. **Upgrade from Windows, $79;
upgrade from any DOS, $99; $149 base operating system. These prices valid only when ordered
directly through IBM. Proof of purchase required. Dealer prices may vary. Offer valid in
U.S.A. only, expires 10/31/92. Shipping and handling not included. IBM and OS/2 are
registered trademarks and Workplace Shell is a trademark of International Business
Machines Corporation.
All other products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
© 1992 IBM Corp.