| | “The myth of the interface” by Robin Nelson, from Personal Computing 1990Some thoughts on how the GUIs threaten the old-school computing |
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| | “The X attitude” by Marshall Brain, from Byte 1991Pros and cons of The X Window System |
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| | “Time for a new interface” by Bill Machrone, from PC Magazine 1992On how object-oriented approach is graphical user interfaces’ future |
| | “Making good GUI sense” by Jim Seymour, from PC Magazine 1992Pros and cons of GUIs requiring bigger and faster graphic cards |
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| | “New interface dilemmas” by Jim Seymour, from PC Magazine 1992The problems with menus and drag-and-drop in GUIs and some ideas for the future |
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| | “Beyond the GUI” by Dennis Allen, from Byte 1994A critique of Magic Cap’s interface |
| | “Just like magic?” by Tom R. Halfhill and Andy Reinhardt, from Byte 1994A look at the Magic Cap interface |
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| | “Beyond Windows 95” by Michael J. Miller, from PC Magazine 1995Future of Windows as seen right after release of Windows 95 |
| | “A drastic change in direction” by John C. Dvorak, from PC Magazine 1995Analogies between car manufactury and a new model of selling software introduced by Windows 95 |
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| | “The Lisa user interface” by Frank Ludolph and Roderick Perkins, from CHI ‘98 Conference SummaryA short summary of Lisa’s interface principles |