Reprinted from Byte, issue 6/1983, pp. 256-278.
 | William T. Coleman |
William T. Coleman, a group manager at Visicorp, is responsible for
Visi On and the applications programs that run under it. He started work
on the Visi On project soon after joining Visicorp less than three years
ago. Prior to that he served as a consultant for Visicorp.
He has also been a department manager at GTE, where he managed development
of minicomputer and microcomputer systems that automated the use of analog
equipment to collect, analyze, and disseminate information. Before that,
he worked at the artificial-intelligence lab at Stanford University, where he
did graduate work. A graduate of the Air Force Academy, Coleman served in the
Air Force as a programmer at the Satellite Test Center.
Bill Coleman talked with BYTE’s West Coast Editor Phil Lemmons in March
at Visicorp’s headquarters in San Jose, California. Lemmons’ questions
are in bold; Coleman’s responses follow in lightface.
When did you decide to do applications software that uses mice?
The original decision wasn’t necessarily to involve mice. It was to develop
an environment in which users could run applications programs. We started in
the first quarter of 1981. We came up with three overall requirements for a system that
we wanted to develop, and those requirements were the appearance of multiple product
What does that mean?
To give the users the impression of actually having multiple applications programs
available to them at any time. Users were to believe that they could use and
interact with multiple products very generally. We were seeking the appearance of
multiple-product interaction as opposed to actual multiprocessing.
So you’re not “timesharing” the central processing unit?
In reality, when you get down to the depths of what we’ve done, there is
a concurrent operating system. That’s what the Visi On layer of Visi On is.
The Visi On layer keeps the mouse up to date all the time, keeps one application program
running, always keeps interacting with one program, or one activity, as we call it,
and can also do background processing for handling output devices, whether they’re
printers or plotters or communication lines.
So while it is in some sense multitasking, it’s not a multiprocessing environment,
meaning that you can actually tell one program to start computing here and immediately
switch to another one and watch the first program computing while you’re interacting
with the second. You can do that only in the context of output processing of
the background. What were the other two requirements for your system? The second requirement
was ease of learning and use, which we called “ELU,” and the third
requirement was simple transfer of data between products. That meant not a procedure-oriented
transfer. In brief, we wanted users to be able to have multiple programs on the screen
at one time, ease of learning and use, and simple transfer of data from one program
to another.
From that we’ve developed a whole series of objectives. The key ones were that
programs be installable. That differs from Smalltalk, which lacks a concept of
programs or products and uses a concept of objects. Objects make up classes, and
the class provides a set of methods that tell what will happen to an object in the class
when an object receives messages. You can increase the methods in a class. There
are also objects that are communications between classes and subclasses, and it’s the
class and subclass that have a method, etc. But our products had to be installable.
(See “The Smalltalk-80 System,” August 1981, page 36.)
We also wanted to live with the vendor-supplied operating system. We wanted our
system to be portable across a series of machines, portable to many personal computers.
We wanted the system to have a consistent user interface. And a series of other
objectives don’t come to mind at the moment.
Basically we’ve gone through four development phases. Phase one was specification
of the system and development of the human factors – those were two separate
projects that we happened to call Quasar and Nova. During the specification of the system
we decided to develop four different external product specifications so that we could
approach the problem from four different angles, and we approached it from as wide and
diverse a set of angles as we could. We developed all four. One was a Smalltalk system,
one resembled a Xerox Star system, one was a virtual-terminal system, and one was
a split-screen system. We developed about 15 or 20 pages of specifications for each of
the four different approaches.
The second project was human factors, and for that we built two models. One was a
model of the user, and the second was a model of the product. We wanted to answer the
question, What should a product look like conceptually to the user? And from those
two models we developed a set of interactions between the user and the product model.
We drew on all of Visicorp’s experience in customer support and on problems
we had with building previous products. From that we derived two things. One was
a set of principles of design that are applied to the system. Their names might sound
a little funny. There are 16 of them. They’re things like the principle of display
inertia, the principle of the illusion of direct manipulation, the principle of
guidedness, etc. We said, okay, these are the principles upon which we want to
build systems from now on.
Could I get a list of those principles?
It’s a proprietary document. I just want to mention it because we’ve been
going through phase one of the development of Visi On, and this was part of phase one.
Next we said, okay, now we have these principles of design and we have this user
and this product; now let’s classify the interactions between the user and the
product. So we developed the concept of what we called BITs, (basic interaction techniques).
We specified 16 of these; they are basically the atoms of the interaction of human
factors in the system. Each BIT encapsulates and specifies one kind of interaction
between the user and the system. There’s a menu BIT, an error BIT, a forms BIT,
a list BIT, a sound BIT, a BIT for giving confirmation, etc. The BITs are the smallest
atoms of things that we want to use consistently in any product.
At the end of phase one, we did a review and we came out of it with an overview of
our external product specification. That consisted of a drawing and a set of descriptions
of the functions. If I showed you that today, you’d see that what we had in
the mid-summer of 1981 looks very much like the system we have now.
So there weren’t any major reversals of course?
Well, no. There was quite a bit of tuning because we evaluated each of the four designs
and said what we liked and didn’t like about each. We tried to put the best things
into one system, guided by our principles of design.
Did you come to a time when you had to make trade-offs between functions in the
programs and ease of use?
That’s what the whole month of July and August was, until we came out with
this specification. That was the end of the first phase.
The second phase was a prototype phase, and we actually built the system from scratch.
We built the front end of the system as fast as we could on an Apple III and got
it working on an Apple III, just the front end. You could actually interact with most of
the commands that are on the global menu line. Only about five people were working on
this project full-time then, and we brought it up and got it working. We had to
modify the motherboard of the Apple to use 160K bytes of memory, and we had to use
an Apple II with a graphics tablet over an RS-232C line to simulate the mouse, but we
actually got it so you could play with it and simulate using the mouse and open windows
and frame them and things like that.
At the end of the prototype phase, in November 1981, we entered phase three. We went through
a three-month period in which we analyzed and respecified the system. We changed a
fair number of things in the system at that time and began building it at the end of
the first quarter of last year.
 | Sample screen displays of Visi On windows |
Phase four, what we’re in right now, is the development phase. I made a big point
of the human factors throughout. This is a very layered architecture, as required by
our needs for portability and compatibility with an operating system. In the upper
layer, we not only have all of the calls – the Visi Ops, we call them – the
operations that you would expect if you were using a very high level windowing system,
but we also have the BITs. The BITs are actually implemented in the upper layer. When
someone is developing a program for Visi On, he or she calls something named “menu”
and just passes it a bunch of the data structures, and all the interaction is taken
care of. So when we say if you’ve learned to use one product, you’ve learned
to use them all, the location of the BITs means that’s true. The programmer still
has to design the actual algorithms for all the interaction, of course.
That’s the history of Visi On’s development. We’re in the process of
finishing the coding in some areas of Visi On and developing the products, the
applications programs. They are in different stages of testing and quality assurance so
that we can get Visi On out this summer.
Are you producing two sets of all the applications programs, one to go into Visi On
and one to go outside?
Yes. Every product under Visi On and under my group is being developed from scratch to
work with Visi On and to take optimal advantage of the use of the mouse in the environment,
and they’ll all be introduced for Visi On. They’ll be much upgraded from our
current products. We hope we’ve learned something in the last four years about where
we have deficiencies.
Will Visiword be very different from the demonstration that I saw a few months ago?
It looked easy to use.
From an appearance point of view, it won’t be very different. I think it’s
much easier to use with the mouse added to it, to begin with, and we’ve done
some restructuring to take advantage of the features. For example, it will let you put
pictures and graphs into the document anywhere, and it doesn’t just bring the
pixel representation in, it brings in the line representation of the actual drawing and
draws it to scale. You know, there are a fair number of upgrades for things like that.
But as far as when you physically see the interface and use the rulers and whatever,
there won’t be a lot of changes. There are a couple of other upgrades that it’s
a little premature to talk about.
The User Interface
What, in general, are you aiming for in the human interface?
We were looking for something that was intuitive to use, very guided, and consistent
across all products. What we ended up having to do in all of the definitions of BITs
was to try to break down the interaction to its lowest possible common denominator and
determine what’s appropriate.
Consistency and intuitiveness are very important. We also wanted to provide very obvious
ways to do things but not necessarily provide multiple ways to do the same thing.
We developed a motto early on that “Two is much, much greater than one.”
The motto means that any time you offer somebody two ways of doing a task, he has
to decide which way to do it. That becomes an n-factorial problem – 2 times
2 times 2 to the second power, etc. In designing products we believe that there are so
many ways of doing things that people get afraid to try anything. They don’t know
at a given time just what using this key or doing some other specific action will do.
On the other hand, in certain instances we didn’t want to restrict the product to
be able to use only the mouse or to require the user to do something only in an
arcane and difficult manner.
The human factors involved in product design is probably the most underrated issue.
Everybody claims to have ease of learning and use. Not everybody is qualified to
design a product, but everybody in the world is qualified to say whether they like
or don’t like some aspect of using the product. The hardest issue is
not necessarily coming up with something that’s good, but finding an approach
that everyone involved agrees is the best. There have been deep philosophical issues here
as in other companies in the valley for years.
About the number of buttons on a mouse, for example?
We really haven’t had a problem with the number of buttons on a mouse, but
about what special keys to allow.
I should go into my mouse diatribe here for a minute. We specifically decided that
we wanted only one button on the mouse for selection, and that’s all we have.
A two-button mouse is confusing, because you don’t know when to use one and
when to use the other. The only reason for our second button is that we didn’t
like to have lots of little modes that you have to look at to determine how you scroll
and how you move the window around. You know, if you push on this part of the
window or you push here, one thing happens, and if you push twice the program does
this, and so on. Those things are all nonstandard. Apple just came out with a
one-button mouse. The trouble is there are so many modes on the mouse that you don’t
know whether you hold down the button or release it or whatever.
You just click our mouse, and that’s the only thing you’ll ever do. On
the other hand, there’s a scrolling button, and any time you want to scroll,
you push that down, and the direction you move the mouse is the direction it will
scroll; the farther you move it the faster it will scroll, so you have direct
control of scrolling. The metaphor is that of a sheet of paper on the table;
you’re just pushing the paper in different directions.
The concept of our mouse came from part of our product model, which started with the
model of a typewriter. The model said that there are keys on a typewriter, and each
key does only one thing. It either deposits text on the paper or it repositions where
you’re going to deposit text in some way or another. When you extrapolate that
to a computer keyboard – to a monitor instead of paper – you now have
two dimensions, and you have some intelligence behind the keyboard. So we have
keys that deposit things on the screen, position the cursor, and actually perform functions.
When you go further than that, you have problems. Because there aren’t enough keys to
do all the functions, each programmer and the functions in his program decide what
the keys will do. So, first, you end up with the same key doing different things
in the program, depending on the context or the mode, as Xerox is fond of saying.
That’s a barrier for the user, who asks, “Oh, what happens if I do this?”
Second, when you go from one program to another, the keys inevitably do different
things, so there’s a barrier for the user in learning different programs. We
wanted keys to do one of two things: either drop text on the screen or do a single
other function, and to do it the same way in every program. That’s the basic
concept, and we’ve had to violate it very little. That means function keys
aren’t portable from one machine to the next. You don’t see those on the
Lisa and you don’t see those used on our machine, but it really does limit what
you can do with keys.
But you have a Delete key and...
Yes, we have a small subset of keys – the cursor keys, Delete key, Backspace key,
etc. – that always work the same way whenever you hit them. There’s only
one function for those keys, the same in every product.
Visi On’s Data Structures
Let’s look at another issue in integration, transfer of data. Can you
say anything about Visi On’s data structures?
It might be easier to give you an overview of the architecture, but I’ll try to
explain. At the lowest level of Visi On we use the native file structures. And
they must also read and write and open and close MS-DOS files. Above that we built
something we call an archive, for storing all the data. Internally we also
call it an object store; it’s where we store all our data objects.
The object store is three layers deep. On the top is the volume layer, in the
middle is the object layer, and on the bottom is the files layer. From a
programmer’s point of view, he’s actually manipulating all three of these
layers to manage a hierarchical file structure. The reason for volumes is obvious:
we want to go across volumes that can be on Winchester disks or on remote file
servers or whatever.
The idea of objects is not so obvious, but the idea is that users will be manipulating
objects. They’ll think they’re manipulating a spreadsheet, but a spreadsheet may
be multiple files. You may have one file that’s the formulas, and so on. Users
want to know only about the composite object. I don’t ever want to show them a
whole bunch of DOS files with arcane 8-character names with 3-byte trailers on them.
I want to show them a name in the context and the way it’s defined in the context of
the kind of product.
Now, above this, the volume layer knows about password protection/encryption, so
a user can password protect/encrypt, and the object layer knows about file types.
We have multiple file types, but I won’t go into them.
Simply, we have multiple file types, there is a layer called the object store in
which all the data is stored, and all transfers are done through Visi On. Products
don’t have to do anything about transfers or conversion of data. What
happens when the user selects Transfer and points at a source object to transfer,
be it a block of data in the middle of a Visicalc spreadsheet or some abstraction
of that – like pointing at the name of a Visicalc spreadsheet – is that
Visi On will transfer the whole spreadsheet. Or if you’re pointing at two
column headers, Visi On will transfer all the columns between those two points,
something obvious like that.
Once the user points at that and points at the destination location, Visi On
takes over. First, it actually queries the product: “In the context in
which data was pointed at, what types of data can you pass?” And the program
or product will say, “I can pass type X, X, and X.” And then Visi On will
query the destination product the same way and do a match.
Then Visi On will actually physically transfer the highest-order pairing, meaning
that the higher the order, the more context is transferred with it. The highest-order
data type actually is called “owned,” and that means the data will
probably be transferable only to another instance of the same product. For a
spreadsheet that will have all the formulas underneath it, all the formatting information,
column widths, the whole nine yards. But if you’re transferring that into
a word processor that doesn’t know anything about calculating formulas, all
it’s going to want is enough data to know whether it’s character,
numeric, and what the precision is.
That gives you some idea of how the transfer actually takes place. Therefore, as far
as the product is concerned, transfer is a general process. All the product has
to do is respond, “I can give you this and this,” and then when the
other product says, “Okay, give it to me,” that passes the data. Visi
On takes care of everything else.
And the objects you described are like the objects in Smalltalk – they
carry some information about how they can be handled?
An object in Smalltalk basically is a message, yes, that carries with it something that
says what can be done to it. Visi On objects are not that complex. They’re objects...
yes, they do have context of what their formatting is, but they aren’t Smalltalk
objects. We just call them an object store. The lowest level of the system is an
object-oriented system, though.
Visi On’s Architecture
Could you talk about Visi On’s architecture?
Sure, I don’t have any problem with that. Visi On basically is composed of
three levels. The lowest layer is called the Visihost. That’s the machine-dependent
code. At completion time, it will be approximately 35K bytes of code, of which
two-thirds is C and one-third is assembly language. Now, the Visihost and the
host operating system in the first version of Visi On, which is for MS-DOS 2.0, must
always be resident. So you’re talking about 50K bytes that must always be
resident. That’s the base system.
Visihost is an object-oriented operating system, and it’s composed of 10 object
types. A better description would be abstract data types. The objects or types
include things like file device, keyboard, soundmaker, raster, segments, ports, etc.
But what they actually implement is a layer above which is the Visihost interface.
The Visihost interface is machine independent and provides the services that are
required by Visi On itself.
Visihost uses the concept of objects to implement above it what look to the user
like a lot of concurrently processing activities. You can establish
instances of the objects by just sending messages to them on a Smalltalk message-class
type interface. You end up with a process ID or an object ID, which is very similar
to a concept in Smalltalk.
The whole concept here is that everything is machine dependent, and the whole virtual
machine upon which Visi On rests is isolated. Above that sits Visi On itself; internally
we call it the Visi On Operating System, VOS.
The Visi On Operating System
Visi On, or VOS, is an activity to Visihost, as are all products – applications
programs. As far as Visihost is concerned, everything that sits above it is
an activity to it. What’s special about VOS to Visihost is two unique
capabilities. First, VOS is the only activity that actually does direct Visihost calls.
All other calls come through VOS itself. In other words, VOS does a pass-through,
so a product thinks it’s doing all calls to VOS. Second, VOS is the only
activity that communicates with the user, meaning the only activity that directly receives
keystrokes and mouse points. So the VOS is a very key activity; it’s the one
that sits in the middle of everything. It’s the one that is really the concurrent
operating system.
Now, what VOS implements is all of the Visiops, the basic operations for reading
and writing the files and all the things you’d expect an operating system
to do. Included in that is also all of the device layer. That is a layer in itself,
because we have not only developed this archive, but also a Graphics Kernel
Standard (GKS) Virtual Device Interface. And we extended that to include alpha
text, so it’s not just the GKS. We can handle, from the same interface,
total device-independent printing to output devices.
The other thing that Visi On implements directly is the BITs, which a product
merely calls and says, “Do it, and here’s what I need,” and then
Visi On handles the whole thing. Visi On will even replace its screen, its part
of the window, and then put back the initial contents when it’s done.
Something else that looks to a product as if it’s part of Visi On is a
series of activities which are really separate. That series includes the files
window, the workspace window, the scripts window, and the services window. Even
though they might appear to be part of Visi On, they really sit on top of Visi
On and use the services that happen to...
Just as applications do?
Just as applications do.
So all the applications go to these same services?
All the applications use these services, but they do so through Visi On. What
you have above Visi On or VOS itself is an interface we call the Visimachine
interface. That is all of the calls that you need as a product designer to use
all of the facilities provided by Visi On. This is the virtual machine?
For product designers, this is the virtual machine.
What’s the relation to Visihost?
It’s much more extended than Visihost. The whole idea of this architecture is
that of nested abstract machines. The concept originated with Edsger Dijkstra back in
his THE (Technische Hochschule Eindhoven) operating system in the early 1960s.
You have a low-level machine that implements all the very very basic functionality,
and that’s Visihost. That does the reading and writing of basic files. But
the archive does a lot more – and that’s in Visi On. It will do your
basic device puts and gets – whatever it takes to read and write to a
device – but it doesn’t know anything about this whole virtual device
interface above it. You have to have a driver that knows in between the two.
So what you have is a very low-level machine that provides just basically a
virtual memory machine. That’s very important. All these products run in
the pseudovirtual memory that we developed in software. You have this low-level
machine, and above that is Visi On itself, which is much higher level services
for products, and it’s machine independent. We’ve nested the greatest
amount of coding in the smallest possible area.
The Visimachine spec is the specification for all of these high-level services:
the Visiops, the BITs, and all of the higher-level functions that Visi On
provides through the services windows. For a product sitting on top of the
Visimachine, it is as if the product is running all by itself in its own
virtual machine, in its own virtual memory, so it has as much memory as it wants,
and all the product is doing is communicating with Visi On.
The theory of the interface comes from Brinch Hansen’s concept of concurrent
processes, which he calls “communicating sequential processes.” What
it means to us is that as far as calls are concerned, the Visimachine and the
activity interface look to each other like two big programs with dual entry points.
Every call that Visi On makes – remember, Visi On is the only thing that
gets a keystroke or listens to the user – every time the user does something
that causes an input to the product, Visi On says to the product, “Here, do this,”
and then Visi On’s blocked for I/O (input/output). You’ll see the hour-glass
come up; Visi On can’t do anything. The product will execute whatever processing it
has to do and will say to Visi On, “Here, here’s your response.” Then
Visi On will come to life, and the product is blocked. That’s the communicating
sequential processor.
The real idea of making this into a concurrent process is that as far as
Visi On is concerned, it has a lot of those products or processes going on, and
in its tightest inner loop, Visi On is also keeping track of the mouse and keeping
this background printer printing or whatever happens to be going on.
The Programs under Visi On
At the top end, you have the applications activities themselves. They’re programs
that have been developed for this high-level operating system, running in their
own memory, using these very high level calls. When these programs are compiled,
they have this large header file that you have to include at compile time. This
header has all the definitions of all those calls and all the definitions of all
the data types and so on, so that now all you have to do is develop your routines
underneath that. It’s a fairly complex architecture.
You’re doing this all in C, you say, or two-thirds in C?
VOS is about 100K bytes of C, plus about 20K bytes of data...
It’s compiled C, 100K bytes?
Yes, this is really 100K bytes of object code, but it’s from C. Plus about 20K
bytes of data space. Visi On itself and the products are all in virtual memory, so
only a part of that has to be resident at any one time.
Visi On requires 256K bytes of RAM?
256K minimum. With MS-DOS 2.0, that only leaves us about 230K bytes to use,
and we’re going to need between 128K and 150K bytes to efficiently run multiple
activities. In reality, our concept of virtual memory means you could run in
less memory, but not with high performance, and if the system isn’t very
interactive, you lose everything. We did a lot of testing when we were going through
our prototyping phase, and there is a threshold under which, if the system doesn’t
respond fast enough, you just may as well not have the system at all.
It doesn’t look as if having a lot of memory will be a problem in most
systems for much longer.
That’s one of our hopes. A significant part of this system is the virtual
memory, which is quite a bit of work for us to implement. The virtual memory requires
that, at least early on, all of the programming development will have to be done
in C. We have to use our linker because we’ve created a concept of segments of
memory that can be paged in and out. It’s obviously not real virtual memory because we
don’t have hardware support to do virtual pages. But a segment looks like
a virtual object page in Smalltalk with what they’re trying to do, which
says that a segment is more like an overlay than it is a page. It
includes a whole bunch of objects that should be run together. As far as we’re
concerned, a segment can be of adjustable size. You can have both code segments and
data segments. Data can be swapped in and out and paged as well. Everything will
be in virtual memory, of course, but only so much will be resident at any one
time. The whole memory manager is down in Visihost.
Complicating this, of course, is the need for all the code to be position independent.
That’s one of the things we had to do with our linker. Everything can be
relocated to any position. Another complication in this architecture is that we have
to contend with the segmented architecture of the 8086 family and those chips’
idea of long calls (outside a 64K-byte segment) and short calls (within a 64K-byte
segment). We have to straighten up all of those calls at load time and at run time.
But the memory management does work rather efficiently.
Porting Visi On
You wanted to talk about how we port the system. The concept is a two-phase portation,
where we actually do the portation of Visi On to any new architecture. To us, a new
architecture is a combination of any change in operating system or any change in the
central processing unit. That’s the major portation, when the Visihost has
to be rewritten. Visihost is actually assembly language. So we will have different
versions of it. Initially we have one for the 8086/8088, 80186 family with MS-DOS.
The new one we’re intending is a 68000 version, probably with Unix, maybe with
MS-DOS as well, but we will extend those versions. That’s number one. We’ll do
that work in-house.
Let me back up. The second part of the portation is the target conversion, where we
actually take the adaptation for one processor and one operating system and put it on
a specific target machine. We configure it to the bit map of the screen, to any calls
that are different for the keyboard, any changes in how they handle fonts, and so on.
We do allow loadable fonts.
What we do on the second part of the portation is sort of like doing your BIOS
(basic input/output system) for CP/M, but we’re going to provide to the OEM (original
equipment manufacturer) the source for the Visihost, a specification, and a test
program to assure that all the calls work. And the idea is that the OEM would do that
part of the conversion. It could target to its machine. There will be small changes.
If its mouse is different from our mouse, it will have to change a driver to
take advantage of that, and so on.
You’ve talked about MS-DOS so far, and not CP/M-86.
Your announcement said you were going to do Visi On for that as well.
We do intend to do it for CP/M-86. But not until the second version.
What about CP/M-68K or the other Digital Research operating systems?
We do intend to do it across CP/M lines. The number one objective is to get
one version out late this summer. We have announced on DEC, we have announced on
TI, and there’ll be other announcements coming.
More on Applications Programs
Can you talk a little more about the applications programs themselves?
Are they being managed as a separate project?
Well, they’re all managed as separate projects, but they’re all under my
group. Right now, we intend to release all five – one product for each of
the five applications that we consider major: spreadsheet, word processing, business
graphics, database, and communications. Most of those five programs will be released
right at ship time or within a few weeks of the Visi On system itself.
They’re being developed totally independently. I mean they’ll be developed
as independent projects, from scratch. They’re being designed to take full
advantage of the system and all the utilities provided by the system. And they
are significantly upgraded in features and functions above our stand-alone product
line. We hope we’ve learned quite a bit about what our competition has taught
us and what the marketplace has taught us.
I will tell you that one of the major things we’re trying to do is adapt to
our conception of human factors-context, guidedness, the principle of direct manipulation
where users directly manage the data and receive immediate responses to their
actions. We think that’s very important. Visicalc was the first product out
that let users do that. They could build very complex models by building them one
number at a time and seeing that something was right or wrong and changing it and
actually not have to go through a series of steps to rebuild it. We think that’s
important throughout all the products. Users don’t want to have to learn some
pseudoprogramming technique to get to an ending, to go through lots of steps
and not necessarily see if something is right or wrong. So we’re making a
heavy effort on that.
As a matter of fact, we not only have this Visimachine specification and a
lot of tools to go with it, but our human factors project – the Nova project,
which still has resources devoted to it – produced a manual we call the
Designer’s Guide to Well-Behaved Products. That not only details
the whys and wherefores of our product model and our user model and all the principles of
design, but goes through all the usages and all the BITs. It also explains all of
the functionality of Visi On, how to use it and why to use it, and the preferable
and less preferable things to do with it. We’re designing right to that guide.
It’s been an evolutionary document over two years.
There could be a trade-off between consistency in the user interface and
tailoring each program to a specific application. How have you resolved that?
There absolutely is a conflict, and resolving it is an ongoing process. We have
an evaluation lab set up and we try to mock up and evaluate things. Each product
has a working team that includes marketing, technical writing, and development that
works out the issues. Then we have a weekly meeting of what we call the Quasar
product working group – Quasar was our original name for this product. There
we actually confront issues as they become problems and attempt to come up with
some solutions. Anything that can’t be done at that level comes up to my
level, and we work it out between the director of product marketing and me. And
as I said, it is not something that is easy. Where you might find 80 percent of the
things easy, the last 20 percent affect the other 80 percent anyway, so you end
up having to revise it and revise it. And you have to have voices that speak all
sides of the problem, and you have to be able to interact with that and evaluate
So it’s case by case... there’s no other way?
At this point it is. We set up our overall principles of design and we actually held
hard and fast from January 1982 until the end of that year, trying to design
as well as we could without any violations of the principles. We made one mid-course
correction, an update of the guide in he fall of last year, and now that we’re in
the end throes of trying to interact with these products, to get them up, we’re
finding things that are bothersome, and so now we’re at the point where it
really is a case-by-case basis.
Are you trying this out on naive users? How do you test it?
Internally so far.
On people you’ve hired?
People we hire, but we brought in some naive users from the outside, and
beyond that we do intend to do a significant beta testing of it, but that will
be later on. We don’t want to do it until enough things are stable that
people can really... if the system gets in the way of using it, it doesn’t
matter whether it gets in the way because it’s not complete or it has a
bug or it isn’t good.
Can you say more about installing applications?
As far as users are concerned, all they’ll do is use this services window
and select the Install button. This is how we install them today in our development
environment. The window will prompt users to insert the floppy disk. Once
users have done that and confirmed it, the code will actually be read onto the
Winchester disk itself.
Basically, the loader will set up all the appropriate addresses in each segment.
So all the segments are initialized and loaded on the disk. Then all of
the appropriate indexes and overview pages are updated. An item is added to
the services window indicating that this product is now installed; there is an overview
table for what is available in the help files. The help files are loaded from
this disk into the Winchester disk. The help window’s overview will show that
there’s a new series of things here.
Copy Protection in the Mouse
Finally, the serial number of the machine is appropriately encrypted and
stored on the floppy disk itself, so at that point you can use that program. You
can load it on the Winchester disk as many times as you want or on as many
Winchesters as you want. The program will run only for the appropriate serial
number, which for us happens to be in the mouse. Anywhere you take your mouse,
you can run that program.
How will you adapt Visi On to run with different printers? How much of
that are you going to do? Or will you let the computer manufacturers do
that for the printers they sell?
The manufacturers can do them, and we’ll have at least 10 printer drivers
available when we first ship Visi On. You see, to develop a driver with
rough capability to handle the GKS, we’re talking about drivers that are about
8K to 15K bytes. The first year we’ll support probably three to four plotters and
a whole line of printers.
But the idea is that these drivers are very sophisticated, because they have
to interpret calls in context to what kind of device is attached to the other
end and make the appropriate tradeoff. If the device doesn’t allow superscripting
or subscripting, the driver won’t do it. But we will be providing a lot
of drivers and there will definitely be information to write drivers.
Fortunately, it turns out that a lot of the manufacturers are already signing up to
develop or have developed and will provide GKS drivers. Digital Research is already part of that.
One of the concepts of Visi On is to get people, once they’ve learned to use
the system – which is very easy to learn to use – to a state of no longer
having to pay attention to the use of the software tool, but only to solving the
problem. The system should not distract people from the problem. No one is turning on
the system in order to run Visi On or to run a spreadsheet under Visi On,
or a word processor, graphics, whatever. People will turn the system on because they have
a goal to get something done by the end of the day. Visi On is nothing more than
a toolkit. We want to make sure that users can learn how to use it, not be afraid
of it, get in and work quick, and get out. Users should not be concerned about where
they’re getting their data from. It should be possible in the future for users just
to ask for some data and not worry about whether the data comes from a remote system
over a telephone line, or from a local system, or from their buddy’s personal computer.
The scripts capability is another important aspect of ease of use. It’s a learn
mode. It has a window that you can interact with. You can stop that learn mode at
any time and tell the system to accept a variable. You open a scripts window and
say, “learn.” Then the system prompts you for a name, you type in the
name, and that will be the name of a script. Maybe you go through a consolidation of
three models and you combine data and you’re loading models, etc. As you’re
going through that, you might tell the system – by reaching up and pointing into the
middle of the scripts window – that something there is a variable.
When you replay that script, let’s say once a month, you want to consolidate your
East Coast, West Coast, and international sales plans. So once a month you can call
up the script and go through it and it will stop at different points and you can
type in specific items, and then the system will use the script to do the rest all
by itself and print it out. The system has learned from you, and it has let you do
what amounts to a form of rudimentary programming.
Phil Lemmons
West Coast Editor
Byte/McGraw-Hill, 4th Floor
425 Battery St. San Francisco, CA 94111