A sidebar to the article “Apple’s bid to stay in the big time,”
published in Fortune, February 7, 1983, pp. 40.
Is Lisa really as easy to use as Apple Computer has been vaunting? To find
out, George M. Taber, an Apple II owner, recently spent a day testing the
new machine for FORTUNE. His report:
The Lisa is not as simple to use as a toaster or a telephone. But for anyone
who has gone through the sometimes painful process of learning how to work a
personal computer, Lisa is a dream. For those who have yet to touch a computer
keyboard, Lisa will save weeks in a technological desert. If a person can
get over the sticker shock of a $10,000 personal computer, he or she is likely
to find Lisa both powerful and versatile.
 | Quarterly shipments of personal computers |
The key to Lisa’s charms is the mouse, the push-button control device that
sits next to the computer and tells it what to do. The mouse eliminates clumsy
computer commands that have to be typed into other personal machines. Thanks to
the mouse, which takes about 15 minutes to master, executives can spend hours at
a computer and never touch the keyboard. All instructions to the computer are
given by pointing an arrow on the screen to a picture or word and then pushing
the button on top of the mouse. The user moves the arrow on the screen by
sliding the mouse across the desktop. If he wants to make a printed copy of
the memo on the screen, for example, he moves the arrow to the word Print,
which appears in the upper lefthand corner, and then presses the button. Presto.
A copy is printed. Man has conquered machine. Anyone who can push a button can use Lisa.
Lisa’s simplicity is clearly seen in a powerful tutorial program called the
LisaGuide. Most personal computers still use torture-chamber instruction books that
seem to be written by engineers for other engineers and that do everything except
instruct. The introductory book for the IBM Personal Computer, for example, is
so confusing that a guide to the guide has now been published. LisaGuide shows
someone how to use the machine with the help of the computer itself. Instructions
appear right on the screen in clear English. Then, just in case the lesson
is still not understood, there
is a demonstration complete with explanation and illustration. In place of the
words Syntax Error that appear on the screens of many other personal computers
whenever something goes wrong, Lisa shows the picture of a Stop sign and then
explains the problem. It takes about 45 minutes to do all the exercises in
the LisaGuide.
Lisa is above all a visual machine. The simulated desktop on the monitor screen
presents a vivid picture of work in progress. When electronic folders are “picked
up” with the help of the mouse, they suddenly zoom up into view, and
other folders fade into the background. Lisa is perhaps most impressive turning numbers
into graphs. With a few pushes on the mouse’s button, statistics are
turned into a bar chart, a pie chart, or a graph. Executives who have to
watch the progress of complex development projects through corporate bureaucracies
are likely to be infatuated with the flow charts that show a program’s task,
deadlines, and potential bottlenecks. The flow chart program may become one of
Lisa’s most important innovations.
by George M. Taber