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Interviews with GUI theorists, creators and analysts:

Lisa Office System“An interview with Wayne Rosing, Bruce Daniels, and Larry Tesler” by Chris Morgan, Gregg Williams and Phil Lemmons, from Byte 1983
    An interview with three leading developers of Apple Lisa
Lisa Office System“The birth of Lisa” by Michael Rogers, from Personal Computing 1983
    An interview with Apple Lisa development team
Visi On“A guided tour of Visi On” by Phil Lemmons, from Byte 1983
    An interview with William T. Coleman’s, product manager responsible for Visi On. Contains sample screenshots
Lisa Office SystemMac OS“The past, present, and future of the Macintosh desktop” from Signal #26
    The interview with Dan Smith about interfaces of Lisa and Macintosh
Mac OSWindowsXerox Star/ViewPoint/GlobalViewVisi OnOS/2GEOS/GeoWorksBob“Interview with Nathan Lineback” by Marcin Wichary, 2005
    Exclusive: Interview with Nathan Lineback, creator of GUI Gallery
WindowsMac OS“Interview with John Gruber” by Marcin Wichary, 2005
    Exclusive: Interview with John Gruber about Mac OS X interface
Copyright © 2002-2006 Marcin Wichary, unless stated otherwise.