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A sidebar to the article “The Lisa 2: Apple’s ablest computer,” published in Byte, issue 12/1984, pp. A109.

Lisa 2

Apple Computer Inc.
20525 Mariani Ave.
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 996-1010

13.8 by 18.7 by 15.2 inches; 48 pounds

Power Requirements
90-130 V AC, 48-68 Hz (U.S. model)
180-260 V AC, 48-68 Hz (foreign model)
150 watts (both models)

MC68000, 5-MHz clock

Interface Slots
Three slots for peripheral interface cards

Peripheral Connectors
All models have a mouse connector, keyboard connector, and two serial-port connectors (25-pin D-shaped plugs). The Lisa 2 and 2/5 also have a parallel connector intended for connecting a hard disk (25-pin D-shaped plug)

2.7 by 18.7 by 6.5 inches; 4 pounds

524,288 bytes (½ megabyte) standard for all models; expandable to 1,048,576 (1 megabyte)

Mass Storage
All models have one Sony 3½-inch drive with a 400,000-byte capacity; Lisa 2/5 has a 5-megabyte external Profile hard-disk drive; Lisa 2/10 has a 10-megabyte internal hard-disk drive

Video Display
12-inch diagonal tube with a displayable area of approximately 8 by 6 inches; 720 pixels horizontally and 364 pixels vertically; 90 pixels/inch horizontally and 60 pixels/inch vertically (pixels are 50 percent higher than they are wide); bit-mapped graphics page requires 32,760 bytes; screen refresh rate is 60 Hz; horizontal line rate is 22,900 Hz; dot rate is 20 MHz

Parallel interface card with two ports (25-pin D-shaped plugs)

Hardware Prices
Lisa 2:$3495
Lisa 2/5:$4495
Lisa 2/10:$5495
Conversion of Lisa 2 or 2/5 to a 2/10:$2495
Conversion of original Lisa to a 2/5:$595
½ megabyte memory:$1495
Parallel interface card:$195
ImageWriter dot-matrix printer:$595
Daisy-wheel printer:$2195

Software Prices for Apple-Supplied Software
Lisa 7/7:
(contains Desktop Operating System, LisaCalc, LisaDraw, LisaGraph, LisaList, LisaProject, LisaTerminal, LisaWrite)
Upgrade from version 2.0 of the Office System applications:$150
Pascal Workshop:$395

Page added on 22nd January 2005.

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