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 |  | “The Xerox Alto computer” by Thomas A Wadlow, from Byte 1981Description of the Xerox Alto, the first computer with GUI and mouse as input device (with screenshots) |
 |  | “The Star user interface: an overview” by David Canfield Smith, Charles Irby, Ralph Kimball and Eric Harslem, from proceedings of AFIPS 1982An illustrated description of the Xerox 8010 “Star” interface |
 |  | “A retrospective on the development of Star” by Eric Harslem and LeRoy E. Nelson, from from proceedings of ICSE 1982A rather technical look at Xerox Star – not much of GUI-related information, but helpful in putting the development of 8010 into context |
 |  | “Designing the Star User Interface” by Dr. David Canfield Smith, Charles Irby, Ralph Kimball, Bill Verplank and Eric Harslem, from Byte 1982Extensive breakdown of rules and ideas behind Xerox Star interface (with screenshots) |
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 |  | “Of mice and men” by Steven Levy, from Popular Computing 1984A story on Douglas Engelbart and his most popular invention |
 |  | “The desktop environment” by Paul Bonner, from Personal Computing 1984An article about pros and cons of desktop GUIs and the 1984’s status quo |
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 |  | “The Xerox Star: A retrospective” by Jeff Johnson, Teresa L. Roberts, William Verplank, David C. Smith, Charles H. Irby, Marian Beard and, from IEEE Computer 1989A description of Xerox Star’s design, development, features and evolution |
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