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Go backMacintosh BasicsMouse skills

Do you know how to use the mouse to point, click, and drag? If you don’t, press the Return key to learn how to use the mouse. If you do, click the word Topics below to learn more about using your Macintosh.

First, you need to know how to hold the mouse.

The mouse should rest on a flat surface. If you’re right-handed, the mouse should be to the right of your Macintosh. If you’re left-handed, the mouse should be on the left.

Hold the mouse as shown, with the cable pointing away from you.

Rest the heel of your hand on the table. Put your index finger on the mouse button.

You use the mouse to tell the Macintosh what to do. This requires three essential skills: POINTING, CLICKING, and DRAGGING.

Let’s start with POINTING. When you move your mouse, a pointer will move on your screen.

Move the mouse around on your desk now. Watch what happens on your screen.

This is my desk. To practice pointing, point to some of the things on this desk. First, move the pointer to the cup.

Good. Now, move the pointer to the fishbowl.

That’s right. Now, move the pointer to the wall clock.

Now, you’ve learned how to use the mouse to point. The next skill you need is CLICKING. Pressing and releasing the mouse button is called clicking.

Practice clicking the things on my desk. First, click the stapler.

Good. Now, click the fishbowl.

That’s right. Now, click the file drawer.

Good. Now that you’ve learned to click, you can use this skill to move around in this tour. From now on, the right arrow will take you forward. The left arrow will take you back. Click the right arrow to move forward.

DRAGGING is another important skill. You drag by holding the button down as you move the mouse.

To practice dragging, drag the top paper on the desk into the open file drawer. To do this:

  1. Point to the top paper on the desktop.
  2. Hold the button down.
  3. Move the pointer to the file drawer. The paper will move along with the pointer.
  4. Release the button.

Now, drag the other paper into the trash.

  1. Point to the paper on the desktop.
  2. Hold the button down.
  3. Move the pointer to the trash. The paper will move along with the pointer.

Sometimes, as you point to things on the screen, you might run out of room to move the mouse on your desk.

When you run out of room, you can always pick the mouse up and put it down again in another spot on your desk. If you pick up the mouse, the pointer on the screen will not move. Click the right arrow for a demonstration.

Keep your eyes on the screen as you do this:

  1. Move the pointer so it rests on the back of the chair.
  2. Pick up the mouse.
  3. Now put it down on your desk in another spot. The pointer should still be on the chair.

Remember this when you run out of room on your desk.

Good. Now you’ve learned the three essential skills that you’ll need – pointing, clicking, and dragging. Click the right arrow to practice what you’ve learned.

Point to the fish. When you’re done, click the right arrow to continue.

Now, click the fish food contrainer. (Don’t overfeed the fish!) When you’re done, click the right arrow to continue.

Drag the fishbowl around on the desk. Careful, don’t get too close to the edge! When you’re done, click the right arrow.

Congratulations – you’ve learned how to use the mouse. Click the word Topics below to learn more about using your Macintosh.

Page added on 6th October 2005.

Copyright © 2002-2006 Marcin Wichary, unless stated otherwise.