First run
Empty desktop
 |  Empty desktop in Workbench 2.04. The screenshot has an extra border (remove)(show).
The empty desktop for Workbench 2.04 contains the Workbench window with icons for floppy drive and RAM disk, and the message line (at this moment copyright notice) at the top of the screen, doubling as menu – similarly to Mac OS and NeXTSTEP, Workbench has only one menu for active application (per active screen), shown and operated using right mouse button. The desktop and other screenshots are shown in the default (if strange) 640×256 resolution, doubled in height to preserve aspect ratio. Default Amiga video hardware also provides an interlaced 640×512 mode, with the very same fonts and windows. (This applies to PAL version, the NTSC resolutions are 640×200 and 640×400 respectively.) |
Desktop with applications
 |  Desktop with applications in Workbench 2.04. The screenshot has an extra border (remove)(show).
This screenshot presents the unique feature of Workbench, which is the ability of having the desktop divided vertically into screens with independent resolutions and colour depths. The Workbench screen is currently active, with a menu selection in progress. The Pointer Preferences screen is at the bottom of the desktop, but can be slided to the top at any time. |