Starting up LisaGuide
Interactive training for the Lisa Office System.
© 1983, Apple Computer Inc.
Welcome to LisaGuide!
LisaGuide introduces features used throughout Lisa, including a device called a
“mouse.” The mouse takes some getting used to, but it lets you communicate with
Lisa quickly and easily.
Now you get to use the mouse. Don’t press the mouse button until told to do so. Do
each numbered task:
- Place the mouse to the left or right of Lisa. Clear a 6-inch square area in which to
roll the mouse.
- Hold the mouse as shown. Roll the mouse on your desk and watch the pointer move
on Lisa’s screen. Trouble? Pick up the mouse and reposition it.
- Roll the mouse on your desk until the pointer is over the “button” named Continue
at LisaGuide’s lower right. When positioned correctly, the pointer becomes arrow-shaped.
- When the arrow-shaped pointer’s tip is in the Continue button, CLICK the
mouse button: Press the button, then release it.
Lisa’s DESKTOP is the dark gray part of the screen, on which Lisa’s documents, such
as this document, LisaGuide, are placed. As you roll the mouse on YOUR desk, the
pointer moves on LISA’S desktop.
Do each numbered task. Don’t press the mouse button until told to do so. Mouse too
near your desk’s edge or Lisa’s keyboard? Pick up the mouse and reposition it.
- Move the pointer to Lisa’s dark gray desktop, then back into LisaGuide. Watch
the pointer change from an arrow to an “I.”
- Roll the mouse left: The pointer moves left on Lisa’s desktop.
- Roll the mouse away from you. How does the pointer move?
- Press Continue when you’re ready to go on: Place the pointer’s tip in the Continue
button, then click the mouse button once.
To Use LisaGuide:
| | | Read everything.
| | | Do each numbered task.
| | | Press the Continue button.
| |
Buttons such as the Continue button let you control LisaGuide. Now a button named Back
is beside the Continue button. Pressing the Back button moves back toward the start
of LisaGuide.
Do each numbered task:
- Without pressing the mouse button, roll the mouse in circles, both large and small.
Trouble? Pick up the mouse and reposition it.
- Without pressing the mouse button, move the pointer to each of LisaGuide’s four
(When you’ve done both numbered tasks, press Continue.)
When you do all numbered tasks correctly, we usually congratulate you and go to the
next exercise. But the mouse takes some getting used to, so here are the Demo and
Practice buttons in case you want more practice using the mouse.
Now press the button that indicates what you want to do next:
| | | Demo (“Demonstration”): To see the pointer move to LisaGuide’s four corners. Press
Demo only if you had trouble moving the pointer to LisaGuide’s four corners.
| | | Practice: For a restatement of the exercise with more explicit instructions for
moving the mouse.
| | | Back: To repeat the exercise you just tried.
| | | Continue: To do the next exercise, more about the mouse.
| |
We’ll touch the four corners of LisaGuide.
Try each activity to help you develop confidence using the mouse. Watch the pointer
on Lisa’s desktop as you move the mouse. Don’t press the mouse button until told to do so.
- Roll the mouse in circles, first large, then small.
- Roll the mouse until it touches the keyboard: The pointer won’t move any more. Lift
the mouse and reposition it on your desk.
- Now roll the mouse and make the pointer move as far up, down, left, and right as you
- Now make the pointer touch LisaGuide’s four corners.
(When you’re done practicing, press the Continue button.)
If you don’t use your Lisa for several minutes, the screen goes dim to protect itself:
Just move the mouse to brighten the screen.
To use the mouse effectively, you need to be able to place the pointer anywhere you want
quickly and easily: Next you’ll get to press the buttons with apple pictures displayed
below task 2.
Do each numbered task:
- Without pressing the mouse button, move the pointer’s tip into one apple button
then the other. When you can do this comfortably, go on to task 2.
- Press each apple button: Click in one button, then the other.
(After you’ve clicked in both buttons, press Continue.)
Very good! Are you comfortable using the mouse yet? If you want more practice, here’s
your chance.
Press the button that tells Lisa what you want to do next:
| | | Practice: To use the mouse to press smaller apple buttons.
| | | Continue: To go to the next exercise, learning about LisaGuide’s topics.
| |
Here’s another similar activity, but one of the buttons is smaller. Before you try
pressing the mouse button, you may want to practice placing the pointer tip accurately.
- Press one button, then the other, as quickly as you can.
LisaGuide’s exercises cover skills you’ll use with Lisa, regardless of the kind of work
you’re doing. The exercises are grouped into the topics shown at the right. We suggest
you complete the topics listed above the line at one time.
Topics listed below the line are optional. You can do the optional topics at any time.
To tell where you are, look at LisaGuide’s lower left corner:
- You’re on the Of Mice & Menus topic.
- You’re on this topic’s next to last exercise, exercise 4 of 5.
(Press Continue when you’re ready to go on.)
Look at the upper left of your Lisa’s screen. See the word “Topics”? Topics is the name
of a MENU. Available menus are always listed in the MENU BAR, the white bar at the top
of the screen.
Menus list instructions to the Lisa; the Topics menu lists LisaGuide’s topics. Now the
menu is folded up, and you can’t see its instructions. You use the mouse to make a menu
unfold so you can choose a menu item.
Press a button to indicate how you want to learn about menus:
| | | Demo: To watch a demonstration of how to use menus. (When a moving picture is worth
1000 words, we usually offer a demonstration at the start of an exercise.)
| | | Continue: To try using a menu without a demonstration.
| |
Don’t touch the mouse as we demonstrate how to choose Starting a Document from the
Topics menu.
- We PLACE the pointer on the menu name.
- We PRESS AND HOLD the mouse button.
- We MOVE the pointer until its tip is on Starting a Document.
- We RELEASE the mouse button when Starting a Document “highlights.”
Now you get to choose from the Topics menu. Don’t worry about making a mistake –
right now you can choose only one item: All others are dim and you can’t choose them
at this time.
Do this to choose an item from the Topics menu:
- PLACE the pointer over the word “Topics” in the menu bar, the white bar above the
dark gray desktop.
- PRESS AND HOLD DOWN the mouse button: the menu will unfold.
- MOVE the pointer until its tip is over Starting a Document.
- RELEASE the mouse button when Starting a Document “highlights” – turns dark.
(Confused? Press Demo to see how to choose from a menu.)
You correctly pressed the Continue button, but can you choose from a menu? We suggest
you press the Practice button unless you know how to use a menu.
Press a button to indicate what you want to do next:
- Demo: To see a demonstration of how to choose from a menu.
- Practice: To see a restatement of the exercise.
- Back: To restart the exercise.
- Continue: To go to a new topic, Starting a Document.
Choosing from a menu is a basic skill you’ll use very, very often when working with
Lisa. There are basically 4 parts to the action: PLACE the pointer, PRESS AND HOLD,
Follow these steps to choose Starting a Document from the Topics menu. We’ve put the
explanation to the right so you can see all the steps when the menu appears.
- PLACE the pointer over Topics in the menu bar at the top of Lisa’s desktop.
- PRESS AND HOLD DOWN the mouse button.
- MOVE the pointer’s tip down over Starting a Document.
- RELEASE the mouse button when Starting a Document “highlights” – turns dark.