If you’ve already done the mouse exercises, and clicked on Continue at the very
end, your screen should be displaying some boxes with different titles. This is the
Guided Tour screen.
On the left of the Guided Tour screen there are several titles, one for each part of
this Guided Tour. At the bottom right is one that says “I’m ready to stop.”
Clicking on “I’m ready to stop” will eject the disk out of the disk
drive. You’ll do that at the end, or when you want to take a long break
from your Macintosh.
At the top right there’s a box that says “Mousing around.” Clicking
on “Mousing around” will take you through the mouse exercises as many times
as you wish, until you know how to use the mouse. If you’d like to go
through “Mousing around” again, stop your tape recorder, and start it again
when you’re finished.
You’re ready to start the Guided Tour. Each of the titles you see on the left
is a short session playing back a series of actions on your Macintosh. This tape will
tell you how to use your Macintosh, and the Macintosh itself will show you what the
tape is describing. During these sessions, the Macintosh won’t respond to the mouse
or the keyboard. The actions you see on your screen were carried out and saved on your
Macintosh beforehand. While these recorded actions are played back, your Macintosh cannot
detect any present actions from the mouse or the keyboard. If you want to practice
the actions you see and hear about, just wait until the end of the session. At the end
of each short session you can either stop your tape recorded to practice what you’ve
learned, or continue to the next session. You can also repeat the session if you like.
To start the first session, without touching the mouse button, position the pointer to
point inside the box that says “Show me my electronic desk.” Don’t click
the mouse button yet. In a moment you’ll hear a series of three tones. By clicking
the mouse button as soon as you hear the third tone, you’ll synchronize the actions
on your Macintosh to the words on your tape.
If you make a mistake in synchronizing the two, don’t panic. Don’t try to
stop the Macintosh, let it run through the session. It is short, and you’ll soon be
back to your Guided Tour screen. Rewind your tape back to the three tones for that
particular session, and get set to synchronize again.
Ready to start on the first session? Be sure the pointer is pointing inside the box
that says “Show me my electronic desk.” Listen to the three tones now.
Without moving the mouse, click the mouse button as soon as you hear the third tone.