The next guided tour begins in a few seconds. If you want to take a break now, or practice
what you’ve just learned, stop the tape recorder at the end of the next instruction.
If you want to repeat the session you just had, rewind the tape back to where the
three tones are for that session, and start over.
To get back to the electronic desktop and practice what you just saw, point to the box
on the right-hand side which says “Let me use my Macintosh.” Be sure it’s
pointing inside that box. After you stop the tape recorder, click the mouse button without
moving the mouse. This will take you to the electronic desktop. To get back to the
Guided Tour screen, choose Quit from the Training menu. You can stop the tape recorder now
and start it again when you’re ready to start the next session.
Ready for the next tour? If you haven’t quit the desktop, do it now to get back
to the Guided Tour screen. Choose Quit from the Training menu.
On your Guided Tour screen, please position the pointer to point to “What’s
the Finder?” Be sure you’re pointing inside the box that says “What’s
the Finder?” Next, listen to the three tones, and click the mouse button as soon
as you hear the third tone.