Welcome to the Navigator Tutorials. Select a tutorial by clicking on a box.
Welcome to an introduction to your Packard Bell computer and a Navigator computing
environment. Here are some pointers for moving through the tutorials:
| | | To move ahead in a tutorial, just click on the forward arrow.
| | | To review a screen, just click on the backward arrow.
| | | To return to the Gallery Wall, just click on its icon in the upper right corner.
| | | You can move to a specific topic by clicking on it.
| |
You can move to a specific topic by clicking
on it.
Navigator lets you access and manage the functions
of your computer through the concept of
three-dimensional rooms.
In Navigator your computer is represented as a home
with a living room, and Info room and other
environments for work and play, that you can add
or remove.
You use your mouse to move from room to room and
to access different features.
As you move your pointer around a room, text will
appear at the bottom of the screen telling you about
each item in the room.
You can get more information about many objects
in Navigator by clicking the right mouse button
when the pointer is over the object.
When you want to move to a different room or space
in the house, click its doorway.
The first room you’ll see in Navigator is the Living
Click on an object to activate that feature of your
You can find out more about these devices in the
Home Electronics tutorial
and in your “Quick Start” Guide which came with your computer.
The Living Room also contains the Software Library.
Here you’ll find the wide range of software programs
that come pre-loaded on your computer.
You just choose a software category, and then
click on the box of software you want to launch.
Another room in Navigator is the Info Room. This
is Navigator’s information and communications
Here’s where you’ll find information to help you
learn more about your computer.
The Info room is also where you access Planet
Oasis – the three-dimensional Internet experience
for the whole family.
You can also access online services such as
America Online, Compuserve and Prodigy, and special
World Wide Web sites.
The Info Room includes the tutorial Gallery Wall where
you can launch tutorials like this one. It also
has a bookcase of electronic software and hardware
To learn more about the Info Room, see
the tutorial with that title,
or see your Quick Start Guide.
The additional rooms – Workspace, Kidspace and
Myspace – give you a place to organize and manage
the tasks you do with your computer and give you
a place to play.
Workspace lets you conveniently organize your
documents into project-related folders. It also
includes a time management feature that keeps track
of how much time you spend on each project.
Kidspace gives kids of all ages, their own place
on the computer where they can play games, start
applications, and store files.
Myspace is the place for older kids to hang out
and use all the great features and programs available
on your Packard Bell computer.
Now, let’s take a look at Navigator’s Toolbar, which
gives you direct access to some useful features of
your computer.
The multiple users button lets you select custom
environments for each member of your home.
You can set up both Kidspace and Myspace to limit
the files, rooms, and software your kids can access.
This protects the rest of your programs and files
from their curiosity. Just click on the
“Multiple Users” icon on Navigator’s tool bar.
Click on the Planet icon to visit Planet Oasis –
the three-dimensional Internet experience which
presents the best the Internet has to offer.
To access Comm Central, click on the phone icon
on the Toolbar.
You use the Individual Preferences button to change
things like turning on and off sound.
The “Running Man” button lets you see which programs
are running.
To switch to a different program, or to close it,
select it on the list.
If you want to leave Navigator to do something
in Windows, click on the “Windows” icon.
To safely shut off your computer, click on the
on/off switch to exit Navigator.
For more information, you can also review the Quick
Start Guide located in the Packard Bell shipping
box. It offers step-by-step instructions to help
you with most topics.
Now you now the basic layout and features of Navigator, which will make your computer fun
and easy to use. If you want to review a topic, just click on it on the panel, or you can
return to the Gallery Wall by clicking on its icon on the control panel.