GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface gallery
Welcome to guidebook, a website dedicated to preserving and showcasing Graphical User Interfaces, as well as various materials related to them.
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Site last updated on 6th October 2006:
two articles about Xerox: “Xerox xooms toward the office of the future” and “The lab that ran away from Xerox”, and a funny essay about... the cow metaphor
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Three of 14 posters for Macintosh’s 20th birthday present its groundbreaking GUI:

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Did you know...
NeXTSTEP 1.0 has been licensed to IBM, who ported it to AIX architecture. However, it took so long, that by the time the project was finished, NeXTSTEP 2.0 for NeXT hardware was ready. Since the company wanted more money for a new 2.0 license, and there was no obvious benefits, IBM lost interest in NeXTSTEP.
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Featured GUIWindows 1.0
Admit it, you probably never used nor seen one. The first, 1985’s version of freshly-renamed Interface Manager was ugly, non-functional (didn’t even have overlapping windows!) and never gained much market share. It took Windows another five years to become widely recognized.

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Featured componentDock
The infamous Dock in Mac OS X is a feature that you can either love or hate. Having its roots in NeXTSTEP, Dock features much more eye candy, while trying to combine the functions of both application launcher and switcher.

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Featured iconWindows XP icons
What is that, you might ask? Some people will applaud Windows XP’s new big and photorealistic icons, but others have serious trouble recognizing and distinguishing them. Check out more icons from Windows XP and see how they stand against earlier editions of this GUI. (The icon shown is a hard disk icon.)

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Copyright © 2002-2006 Marcin Wichary.